J-GLOBAL ID:200901012737353563
Update date: Jun. 06, 2020
Sano Mamoru
サノ マモル | Sano Mamoru
Research field (1):
Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (2):
, Neuro cytology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
1999 - ラディシコールによる神経突起伸展について
1999 - Radicicol-Dependent Neurite Growth
1991 - 1998 神経成長因子によるPC12細胞の突起伸展
NGF-dependent neurite outgrowth in PC12 cell
MISC (7):
M Sano. Radicicol and geldanamycin prevent neurotoxic effects of anti-cancer drugs on cultured embryonic sensory neurons. NEUROPHARMACOLOGY. 2001. 40. 7. 947-953
Peroxisomes Exist in Growth Cones and Move Anterogradely and Retrogradely in Neurites of PC12D Cells. Experimental Cell Research. 2001. 266, 260-269
Peroxisomes Exist in Growth Cones and Move Anterogradely and Retrogradely in Neurites of PC12D Cells. Experimental Cell Research. 2001. 266, 260-269
Radicicol Potentiates Neurotrophin-mediated Neurite Outgrowth and surviral of Cultured Sensory neurons from chick emfryo. Journal of Neurochemistry. 1999. 72. 6. 2256-2263
Activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases is not required for the extention of neurites from PC12D cells triggered by NGF. Brain Res. 1998. 785. 2. 299-308
Education (4):
- 1972 Kyoto University
- 1972 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- 1967 Kobe University Faculty of Science
- 1967 Kobe University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Science (Kyoto University)
Work history (1):
Doshisha University Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences Others
Committee career (2):
日本組織細胞化学会 評議員
日本神経化学会 評議員
Association Membership(s) (6):
, International Society of Neurochemistry
, 日本組織細胞化学会
, 日本細胞生物学会
, 日本神経化学会
, 日本生化学会
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