Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
1994 - 1996 Policy Studies for Accelerated Modernization in Shanghai
1991 - 1993 System Engineering Studies on the Assesment Methods of the Influence on Economic Actors Given by Different Enivronmental Policies
1987 - 1987 都市河川における流域住民の洪水危険意識に関する研究
Financial Engineering for Resources
Development of Environment and Resource Accounting
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Papers (3):
Chihiro SHIMIZU, Hideoki TAKATSUJI, Hiroya ONO, Kiyohiko G. NISHIMURA, SHIMIZU Chihiro, TAKATSUJI Hideoki, ONO Hiroya, NISHIMURA Kiyohiko G. Change in house price structure with time and housing price index -Centered around the approach to the problem of structural change-. 2007. 25. 1-48
Hiroya Ono, Chihiro Shimizu, Ono Hiroya, Shimizu Chihiro. Incorporating Land Characteristics into Land Valuation for Reconstruction Areas. 2006. 20. 1-26
Hiroya Ono, Hideoki Takatuji, Chihiro Shimizu, Ono Hiroya, Takatuji Hideoki, Shimizu Chihiro. Conjunct method of deriving a hedonic price index in a secondhand housing market with structural change. 2004. 18. 1-48