J-GLOBAL ID:200901014115236422
Update date: Aug. 31, 2022
Ookawara Kiyoshi
オオカワラ キヨシ | Ookawara Kiyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Education - general
, Educational technology
Research keywords (4):
, 教育コミュニケーション工学
, Educational Methods
, Educational Communication Technology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- マルチメディア教材の開発についての研究
- 教育における非言語的コミュニケーションの研究
- A Study on the Development of Multimedia Teaching Materials
- The Study of Noverbal Communication in Teaching
MISC (28):
Ookawara Kiyoshi, Karimazawa Hayato, Sasaki Yoshifumi. Learner's Reaction to the Two Types of Messages through Classroom Newsletters. The journal of the Center for Educational Research and Practices. 1997. 7. 7. 251-269
Ookawara Kiyoshi, Karimazawa Hayato, Sasaki Yoshifumi. Learners' Reaction to the Two Types of Messages through Classroom News Letters. The Journal of the Center for Educational Research and Practices, The Faculty of Education, Iwate University. 1997. 7. 7. 251-269
プロセス重視の立場からみた教師のコミュニケーション行動. 日本教育工学雑誌. 1995. 18. 3-4. 233-248
今日の社会・教育の諸問題. 福島大学教育実践研究紀要. 1995. 27(2). 68-73
OOKAWARA Kiyoshi. Teachers' Communicative Behaviors from the Standpoint of the Communication Process. Japan Journal of Educational Technology. 1995. 18. 3-4. 233-248
Books (8):
長谷川栄編著 現代学力形成論 協同出版 Pp.97-119. 1996
Communicative Activity to Form Learners Achievement
長谷川栄・佐々木俊介(編)┣DB教育の方法と技術(実践的指導力の基礎を培う)(/)-┫DB協同出版Pp.147-160. 1992
Teaching using computers.
東洋・中島章夫(監修)┣DB授業を改善する〈授業の分析と評価〉(授業技術養成講座:基礎技術編2)(/)-┫DBぎょうせいPp.258-272. 1988
Education (4):
- - 1984 University of Tsukuba
- - 1984 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Education
- - 1980 Ibaraki University College of Education
- - 1980 Ibaraki University Faculty of Education
Professional career (3):
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本教育方法学会
, 日本視聴覚教育学会
, 日本教育工学会
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