J-GLOBAL ID:200901014136200355   Update date: May. 23, 2024

Takeishi Chikako

タケイシ チカコ | Takeishi Chikako
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): https://c-research.chuo-u.ac.jp/html/100003053_ja.html
Research field  (2): Healthcare management, medical sociology ,  Sociology
Research keywords  (34): mental health, harassment, mental disorder, DV, IPV ,  modernity, mind, nationalism, sociology of knowledge, cognitive sociology, diversity, personality, social character, identity, organizational culture, corporate culture ,  IPV ,  DV ,  精神疾患 ,  ハラスメント ,  メンタルヘルス ,  企業文化 ,  組織文化 ,  アイデンティティ ,  社会的性格 ,  性格 ,  多様性 ,  認知社会学 ,  知識社会学 ,  ナショナリズム ,  マインド ,  近代 ,  IPV ,  DV ,  mental disorder ,  harassment ,  mental health ,  corporate culture ,  organizational culture ,  identity ,  social character ,  personality ,  diversity ,  cognitive sociology ,  sociology of knowledge ,  nationalism ,  mind ,  modernity
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2020 - 2023 Research on the Social Cost of Domestic Violence (DV)
  • 2017 - 配偶者間暴力のコスト推計
  • 1990 - 認知の多様性と集合意識
Papers (11):
  • TAKEISHI, Chikako. "Promises" and Challenges of Access-platform Sharing Economy: A Survey of Uber and Ola Market Shares in Delhi. Chuo Business Review. 2021. 39. 5-24
  • Takeishi, Chikako. Effects of Accompaniment Advocacy Work on Victims of Domestic Violence and Service Providers in Tokyo. The Annual Bulletin of the Institute of Social Sciences, Chuo University. 2020. 24. 26-39
  • TAKEISHI Chikako. Cultural Differences in Cognition between the "West" and "East Asia". Contemporary Asian Economy Research. 2013. 4. 1. 75-89
  • TAKEISHI Chikako. Development of Personality Scale and Sales Talk: Diversity of Cognition and Judgment in Decision Making. Chuo Business Review. 2012. 21. 21. 15-33
  • TAKEISHI Chikako. The Impact of Modernity on the Frame of Mind: A Sociological Approach to Depression, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. The Journal of Liberal Arts. 2012. 33. 55-68
MISC (2):
  • TAKEISHI, Chikako. Scoping review of the estimation methods of medical costs related to domestic violence. Japanese Journal of Health Economics and Policy. 2021. 33. 1. 37-52
  • 武石 智香子, 酒折 文武. 中央大学AI・データサイエンス全学プログラム. IDE-現代の高等教育「AI・ICT 時代と大学教育」. 2021. 633. 30-35
Books (5):
  • 超入門 はじめてのAI・データサイエンス
    培風館 2024 ISBN:4563016225
  • グローバル化による環境・社会の変化と国際連携
    中央大学出版部 2022 ISBN:9784805713440
  • Research Handbook on Nationalism
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2020 ISBN:9787223023207
  • 中国における企業文化の変容
    中央大学企業研究所翻訳叢書 2015
  • The Ideals of Joseph Ben-David: The Scientist's Role and Centers of Learning Revisited
    Transaction Publishers 2012
Lectures and oral presentations  (14):
  • On Chuo University AI and Data Science Program
  • Data Analysis on Accomaniment Supports for DV Victims
    (WERC Workshop "Making it visible: Effects of accompaniment supports" 2018)
  • Data Analyses on DV: Literature Review
    (WERC The 3rd Study Meeting 2018)
  • 同行支援データ分析報告
    (WERCワークショップ 同行支援の<見える化>とこれからのDV被害者支援 2018)
  • Malformed Identity and Its Political Implications
    (ECPR General Conference 2014)
Education (2):
  • 1988 - 1999 Harvard University Department of Sociology
  • 1981 - 1985 Waseda University School of Letters, Arts and Sciences 1 Department of Psychology
Professional career (2):
  • M.A. (Harvard University)
  • Ph.D. (Harvard University)
Work history (9):
  • 2013/04 - 現在 Chuo University The Faculty of Commerce Professor
  • 2021/05 - 2024/05 Vice President
  • 2019/04 - 2024/05 Chuo University Organization for Common Education Initiatives Director
  • 2020/04 - 2022/10 Chuo University AI and Data Science Center Associate Director, AI and Data Science Center
  • 2014/11 - 2018/05 Chuo University Vicepresident
Show all
Awards (1):
  • 1994/07 - International Sociological Association The 2nd Worldwide Competition for Young Sociologist top winner Japanese National Identity in Transition
Association Membership(s) (5):
Japanese Sociological Association ,  American Sociological Association ,  International Sociological Association ,  American Sociological Association ,  International Sociological Association
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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