J-GLOBAL ID:200901014169777887
Update date: May. 09, 2020
Papers (6):
Chiba, S, Tsuyoshi, N, Fudou, R, Ojika, M, Murakami, Y, Ogoma, Y, Oguchi, M, Yamanaka, S. Magenta pigment produced by fungus. JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY. 2006. 52. 4. 201-207
D Tsuchiya, Y Murakami, Y Ogoma, Y Kondo, R Uchio, S Yamanaka. Formation of a new ester compound between triglyceride and dicarboxylic acid catalyzed by lipase. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS B-ENZYMATIC. 2005. 35. 1-3. 52-56
Sugihara, N, Ogoma, Y, Abe, K, Murakami, Y, Kondo, Y, Akaike, T. The relationship between the redox reaction of camphor-induced cytochrome P-450 and its activity. POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES. 1999. 10. 5. 265-269
Murakami, Y, Enoki, R, Ogoma, Y, Kondo, Y. Studies on interaction between silica gel and polymer blend by inverse gas chromatography. POLYMER JOURNAL. 1998. 30. 6. 520-525
Sugihara, N, Ogoma, Y, Abe, K, Murakami, Y, Kondo, Y, Akaike, T. Substrate specificity of camphor-induced cytochrome P-450 immobilized on an electrode. POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES. 1998. 9. 12. 858-860
Education (2):
- 1983 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- 1976 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
Work history (7):
2009 - Shinshu University School of General Education
2007 - Shinshu University School of General Education
2006 - Shinshu University School of General Education
1995 - Shinshu University Faculty of Textile Science and Technology
1987 - Shinshu University
1984 - Shinshu University
Shinshu University School of General Education Center for General Education Professor
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