J-GLOBAL ID:200901014199873899
Update date: Jan. 31, 2024
Wada Reiko
Wada Reiko
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Japanese language education
Research keywords (2):
, Japanese grammar
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
- 2020 - 2023 A Survey on Dialect Use in Contact Situations in Nursing and Nursing care and Development of a Mobile App for Dialect Learning
- 2015 - 2019 Development of an easy-to-use self-study system for Japanese pronunciation
- 2014 - 2017 Reanalysis of Apect System used in Kumamoto Prefecture
- 2011 - 2015 Basic Research and Educational Development for the Production of Engineering Papers
- 2010 - 2014 Developing a methodology for making learning materials to study the listening-comfortable language in order to accommodate to a local society
- 2006 - 2008 Development of a Japanese Dialect Text for Foreign Learners who Live in Regional Hub Cities- the Construction of Its Doctrine and the Writing of a Textbook
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Papers (14):
Diversity of Expression in Regions Characterized by the Frequent Use of Dialects: Focus on the dialects used by nursing home residents in daily life interactions. 2023. 6. 6. 61-76
Diversity of Expression in Regions Characterized by the frequent use of Dialects : Dialects Used by Nursing Home Residents in the Context of Meals. 2022. 5. 5. 115-126
WADA Reiko. Reading Comprehension Practice through Summaries and Multiple Presentations. The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods. 2018. 25. 1. 74-75
和田 礼子. 従属節におけるアスペクトの研究. 熊本県立大学. 2014
和田 礼子. コーパスを利用したナガラ文の使用分析-テとナガラの置き換えの可否を中心に-. 熊本県立大学大学院文学研究科論集. 2013. 6
MISC (5):
和田礼子, 上迫和海, 有村貴子. 鹿児島における「生活のための日本語」調査報告-日本語教室におけるニーズ調査との比較-. 「生活のための日本語」に関する基盤的研究-段階的発達の支援をめざして-<中間報告書>. 2010
和田 礼子. 同僚教師との共同作業がもたらす教育の質の向上. 鹿児島大学留学生センター年報2008~2009. 2009. 1-7
和田 礼子. 方言教材開発のための熊本方言分析の試み-文末詞タイと、接続助詞ケンについて-. 科研報告書「地方中核都市在住外国人のための方言教材の開発-その理念の構築と実際-」. 2009
記号を使った発音練習教材作成について. 熊本県立大学日本語研究室報告書. 1997
外国人留学生の誤用分析と、とりたて詞-「も」「さえ」の使い分け. 熊本県立大学日本語研究室報告書. 1996
Lectures and oral presentations (17):
外国人介護職員の日本語理解についての評価とその要因 -日本人職員へのアンケート調査の結果から-
(2023年度日本語教育学会春季大会 2022)
(2023年度日本語教育学会春季大会 2022)
Development of Multimedia Instructional Material for Learning Dialect to Accommodate a Local Community: Towards the Construction of a Learning Dialect Support Model to Provide Empathetic Support for the Foreigners
(8th International Conference on Computer Assisted Systems For Teaching & Learning Japanese)
Education (1):
- - 2014 Prefectural University of Kumamoto
Association Membership(s) (2):
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