Occurrence of a transcription factor,signal transducer and activateors of transcription 3(Stat3),in the postsynaptic density of the rat brain(共著)S. Murata, N. Usuda, A. Okano. 他2名Mol. Brain Res.,78:80?90(2000)
Identification of mRNAs localizing in the postsynaptic regio (共著) Q.B.Tian, K.Nakayama, A.Okano, T.Suzuki Mol. Brain Res. 72:147-157 (1999)
Books (2):
東京書籍株 1993
株アイピーシー 1993
Education (4):
- 1969 Nagoya City University
- 1969 Nagoya City University
- 1967 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
- 1967 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science
Professional career (1):
Master of Pharmaceutical Science
Work history (4):
1984 - 1995 心脈管病研究施設生化学部門 助手
1995 - - 加齢適応研究施設 神経可塑分野 助手
1969 - 1984 信州大学医学部付属順応医学研究施設生化学部門 助手
Shinshu University School of Medicine, School of Medicine Department of Medicine Research Assistants