J-GLOBAL ID:200901014561600332   Update date: Aug. 05, 2024

Yasushi Honda

ホンダ ヤスシ | Yasushi Honda
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://pasania.csse.muroran-it.ac.jp/~honda
Research field  (1): Other
Papers (36):
  • 古澤 昂弥, 本田 泰. String-like traveling in an autonomous running by skid-steering 2D robots using a neural network. The 28 th Symposium on Traffic Flow and Self-driven Particles. 2022. 13-16
  • 大谷元気, 本田泰. Self-location recognition by a 360-degree camera mounted on a completely autonomous flying robot. Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Traffic Flow and Self-driven Particles. 2019. 57-60
  • 山田将司, 大園章宏, 本田泰. Various traveling state in collective string-like motion of 2D optimal velocity robots. Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Traffic Flow and Self-driven Particles. 2019. 53-56
  • 若月ある, 川野多佳也, 宮島高志, 本田泰. Stability of collective string-like traveling by two-dimensional optimal velocity robot. Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on Traffic Flow and Self-driven Particles. 2018. 33-36
  • 川野多佳也, 宮島高志, 本田泰. Development of two-dimensional optimal velocity robot, and experimentations for group travel. Proceedings of the 23th Symposium on Traffic Flow and Self-driven Particles. 2017. 63-66
Lectures and oral presentations  (27):
  • 飛行ロボットに搭載した 360 度カ メラによる自己位置認識
    (2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会 (第33回) 2019)
  • Constraction of learning system for an autonomous flying robot
    (第15回交通流のシミュレーションシンポジウム 2009)
  • Development of an autonomous flying robot which is able to move cooperatively in three dimensional space
    (第14回交通流のシミュレーションシンポジウム 2008)
  • Contact process in complex networks and the visualization
    (第13回交通流のシミュレーションシンポジウム 2007)
  • Keyword extraction from english documents using Minimum path length in Co-occurence networks
    (第12回交通流のシミュレーションシンポジウム 2006)
Education (1):
  • - 1991 東北大学・大学院 Graduate School, Division of Engineering 応用物理学専攻
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Infomation Sciences (Tohoku University)
Association Membership(s) (4):
The Physical Society of Japan ,  Information Processing Society of Japan ,  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers ,  Japan Sciety for Artificial Intelligence
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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