Research field (3):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
, Algebra
, Algebra
Research keywords (8):
, ring
, group
, representation
, algebra
, 表現論
, 環
, 群
Research theme for competitive and other funds (30):
2014 - 2017 A study on mathematical knowledge of elementary teachers for teaching argumentation
2010 - 2013 Generalizations of perfect isometries between the sets of characters of finite groups
2007 - 2010 Study of artinian rings including algebras
2006 - 2008 Structure of the derived categories of block algebras with non-commutative defect groups
2004 - 2006 Construction of exotic homology manifolds and generalization of Quinn index
2003 - 2006 On Artinian rings
2002 - 2005 Applications of Cohomology groups and Shintani descent to Broue's conjecture
2000 - 2001 Representation theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups
1999 - 2001 Application of Shintani descent to the perfect isometry problem and Dade's conjecture
1999 - 2000 アウスランダーライテン理論における既約加群の役割について
1998 - 2000 Quantum structure of Riemann surfaces and its application to low-climensional topology
1998 - 1999 How much are the module categories of the principal blocks controlled by the Brauer categories?
1997 - 1998 Research on blocks of finite groups
1997 - 1998 加群の剛性とその応用
1996 - 1996 Maass Koecher Seriesの研究
1996 - 1996 ファインマン積分とその摂動展開から導出される幾何学的不変量の研究
1996 - 1996 有限半順序集合の組合せ論における代数的基礎理論の研究
1996 - 1996 頂点作用素代数の数理物理学への応用
1996 - 1996 有限シュバレ-群環上におけるデイド予想
1995 - 1996 Nonlinear Schrodinger eqnations on riemannian manitolds
1995 - 1995 ファインマン積分とその摂動展開から導出される幾何学的不変量の研究
1995 - 1995 保型形式とオイラー積の和としてのゼータ関数
1995 - 1995 ジョルダン代数のゼ-ヌ関数と保型形式の次元
1994 - 1994 双曲的結び目のcanonical decomposition
1994 - 1994 ブレイド群の表現論
1993 - 1993 群環の無限表現型ブロックの構造研究
1992 - 1992 代数多様体のHodge理論
1989 - 1989 ヘッケ環のモジュラー表現論
1987 - 1987 有限群及び多元環の表現論
1986 - 1986 ガロワ拡大体の構造
Show all
Papers (29):
Yusuke Shinno, Tomoko Yanagimoto, Katsuhiro Uno. An investigation of Prospective Elementary Teacher’s Argumentation from the Perspective of Mathematical Knoeledge for Teaching and Evaluating. Research advanced in the mathematical education of pre-service elementary teachers: An international perspective, ICME-13 Monograph Series. 2018. 24. 155-170
Yusuke SHINNO, Tomoko YANAGIMOTO, Katsuhiro UNO. An investigation of prospective primary teachers’ mathematical argumentation: from the perspective of mathematical knowledge for teaching and evaluating. 13th International Conference on Mathematics Education. 2016. Topic Study Group 47
柳本 朋子, 真野 祐輔, 宇野 勝博. An Investigation of Prospective Primary School Teachers' Knowledge of Argumentation : On Their Subject-Matter Knowledge Related to "the Problem of Tessellation by Cards". 日本数学教育学会誌. 数学教育学論究 = Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. 日本数学教育学会 編. 2013. 95. 0. 385-392
Yusuke SHINNO, Tomoko YANAGIMOTO, Katsuhiro UNO. Issues on prospective teachers’ argumentation for teaching and evaluating at primary school level. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mathematics Education. 2012. Topic Study Group 23. 4714-4727
UNO Katsuhiro, YANAGIMOTO Tomoko, SHINNO Yusuke. Issues on Pre-service Teachers' Argumentations : Teaching and Evaluation of the Argumentations in Elementary School Mathematics. 年会論文集. 2010. 34. 433-434
高橋 哲也, 宇野 勝博, 深堀 聰子, 水町 龍一. Quality Assurance in Mathematical Science Education as General Education : Research Results and Challenges. 大学教育学会誌 = Journal of Japan Association for College and University Education. 2016. 38. 1. 35-41
A Study of Prospective Primary Teachers’ Argumentation in Terms of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and Evaluating
(13th International Congress on Mathematical Education 2016)
Issues on Prospective Teachers’ Argumentation for Teaching and Evaluating at Primary Level: Focusing on a Problem Related to Discrete Mathematics
(12th International Congress on Mathematical Education 2012)
Isometries of characters in extra-special defect group
(Duality and Involutions in Representation Theory 2008)
Some variations of conjectures on character degrees
(Finite Groups 2003 2003)
Modifications and applications of reduction theorems for conjectures on character degrees
(LMS Durham Symposium on Representations of Finite Groups and Related Algebras 2002)