J-GLOBAL ID:200901015472055459   Update date: Aug. 23, 2024

Taniguchi Hideo

Taniguchi Hideo
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant Professor
Research field  (1): Fluid engineering
Research keywords  (2): Fluid Engineering ,  流体工学
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2008 - 2010 Studies Revealing Mechanism of 3D Unsteady Flow Effects in Turbomachines upon Aerodynamic Performance and Development of Performance Control Methods
  • Turbulent Transition and Stability of Three-dimensional Boundary Layers
  • 3次元境界層の乱流遷移と安定性
Papers (30):
  • SOMA Takato, YAMAZAKI Haruki, FUNAZAKI Ken-ichi, TANIGUCHI Hideo, NAGAO Takahisa. PIV measurement of the flow field near trailing edge of the low-pressure turbine for aeroengine: Investigation of relationship between blade boundary layer and flow field near trailing edge. Journal of the Gas Turbine Society of Japan. 2021. 49. 6. 463-472
  • H Hanada, K Asari, S Tsuruta, H Araki, K Funazaki, A Satoh, H Taniguchi, M Kikuchi. Experiments of inverted pendulum as a vertical reference of a telescope. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2019. 1301. 1. 012013-012013
  • H. Hanada, S. Tsuruta, K. Asari, H. Araki, H. Noda, S. Tazawa, S. Kashima, K. Funazaki, A. Satoh, H. Taniguchi, et al. Development of a small telescope like PZT and effects of vibrations of mercury surface and ground noise. Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017. 8. 4. 304-319
  • CHIBA Kouta, FUNAZAKI Ken-ichi, TANIGUCHI Hideo. Study on Flow Fields and Noise Characteristics of a Small Axial Flow Fan Used in Narrow Space. Turbomachinery. 2013. 41. 8. 492-501
  • Hideo Taniguchi, Hiroshi Sakai, Ken-Ichi Funazaki. Effects of freestream turbulence on bypass transition of separated boundary layer on low-pressure turbine airfoils. Journal of Thermal Science. 2012. 21. 3. 230-235
MISC (76):
  • ISHIMURA Ryutaro, FUNAZAKI Ken-ichi, TANIGUCHI Hideo, KATO Hiromasa, SATO Yuki. 1005 Study on the Tip Leakage Flow in a Linear Compressor Cascade at a Low Reynolds Number : Effect of Shroud Location. Fluids engineering conference . 2014. 2014. "1005-1"-"1005-2"
  • SATO Yuki, FUNAZAKI Ken-ichi, TANIGUCHI Hideo, KATO Hiromasa, ISHIMURA Ryutaro. 224 A Study of the application of Half-Shroud to Axial-flow Compressor for Aero-Engines. 2014. 2014. 50. 45-46
  • CHIBA Kouta, FUNAZAKI Ken-ichi, TANIGUCHI Hideo, MAKINO Yusuke. 161 Study on the flow field of a small axial flow fan in narrow spaces through LDV and PIV : Effect of tip clearance. 2014. 2014. 49. 119-120
  • NAKAHORA Hideaki, FUNAZAKI Ken-ichi, TANIGUCHI Hideo, SAITO Taku. 501 Flow Visualization and PIV measurements around a LP Turbine Airfoils of Aero Engines. 2013. 2013. 49. 127-128
  • ISHIMURA Ryutaro, FUNAZAKI Ken-ichi, TANIGUCHI Hideo, KATO Hiromasa, SATO Yuki. 502 A Study of Tip Leakage Flow Through Compressor Cascade Flows With Flow Visualization. 2013. 2013. 49. 129-130
Lectures and oral presentations  (64):
  • 航空機エンジン用低圧タービン翼における乱流促進デバイスとリブレットの複合効果に関する研究
  • 航空機エンジン用低圧タービンにおけるベース領域に関する研究(流入する周期的後流の影響)
  • 航空機エンジン用低圧タービン翼のベース領域における損失調査
  • 航空エンジン用低圧タービン翼後縁近傍の流れ場とベース圧に関する研究
  • ホットフィルムセンサによる非定常壁面せん断応力計測に関する研究
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Association Membership(s) (2):
日本流体力学会 ,  日本機械学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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