J-GLOBAL ID:200901015701006122   Update date: Aug. 15, 2024

Nakai Sento

Nakai Sento
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.bosai.go.jp/seppyo/
Research field  (1): Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
Research keywords  (4): cloud physics ,  observation ,  meteorological radar ,  snowfall
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2019 - 2022 レーダー降雪分類と雲物理過程に基づく新積雪物理量の時空間変化推定手法の開発
  • 2019 - 2022 偏波レーダー・ディスドロメーター観測とGPM降水強度との降雪系特性を考慮した比較
  • 2018 - 2021 Study on the change process in snowfall bulk density for forecasting surface avalanches caused by cyclonic snowfall
  • 2016 - 2019 Development of estimation methods of physical quantities of new snow considering cloud microphysical processes using numerical meteorological model
  • 2013 - 2016 Study on Improvement of Snowfall Process in Cloud Resolving Model by Comparison with Ground-based Snow Particle Observation
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Papers (50):
  • Sento NAKAI, Hiroki MOTOYOSHI, Katsuya YAMASHITA, Sojiro SUNAKO, Satoru YAMAGUCHI, Yoichi ITO, Kotaro YOKOYAMA, Yoshihide TOMINAGA, Isao KAMIISHI, Yoshiro KAKUDO. An automatic solid- and liquid-phase hydrometeor classification system based on optical disdrometer observations. Tenki. 2023. 70. 1. 5-11
  • Sento NAKAI, Katsuya YAMASHITA, Hiroki MOTOYOSHI, Toshiro KUMAKURA, Shigeki MURAKAMI, Takafumi KATSUSHIMA. Relationships between Radar Reflectivity Factor and Liquid-Equivalent Snowfall Rate Derived by Direct Comparison of X-Band Radar and Disdrometer Observations in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II. 2022. 100. 1. 45-56
  • Katsuya Yamashita, Satoru Yamaguchi, Takayuki Saito, Yuya Yamakura, Eiichiro Kanda, Sento Nakai, Hiroki Motoyoshi. Quantitative Snowfall Distribution Acquisition System with High Spatiotemporal Resolution Using Existing Snowfall Sensors. SOLA. 2020. 16. 0. 271-276
  • Peter G. Veals, W. James Steenburgh, Sento Nakai, Satoru Yamaguchi. Intrastorm variability of the inland and orographic enhancement of a sea-effect snowstorm in the hokuriku region of Japan. Monthly Weather Review. 2020. 148. 6. 2527-2548
  • Sento NAKAI, Katsuya YAMASHITA, Hiroki MOTOYOSHI, Toshiro KUMAKURA, Shigeki MURAKAMI, Takafumi KATSUSHIMA. Assessment of an optical disdrometer by laboratory tests using spherical bodies and all-particle logging. Tenki. 2020. 67. 2. 89-108
MISC (50):
  • 本吉弘岐, 中井専人, 山口悟, 砂子宗次朗, 上石勲, 中村一樹, 山下克也. 雲解像モデルの降水量出力でみた2022年12月の新潟県の大雪. 雪氷研究大会 (2023・郡山)講演要旨集. 2023. 107-107
  • 樋口 篤志, 本橋 優登, 小林 文明, 諸富 和臣, 嶋村 重治, 大矢 浩代, 鷹野 敏明, 高村 民雄, 岩下 久人, 本吉 弘岐, et al. 千葉北西部〜房総半島におけるレーダ,衛星,地上観測による対流雲発生の観測的研究:これまでとこれから. 水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集. 2022. 35. 179
  • 中井専人. 2020年度雪氷防災研究講演会 開催報告. 雪氷. 2021. 83. 214-216
  • 橋本明弘, 中井専人, 山口悟, 本吉弘岐. 降雪・積雪系オンラインワークショップ2020報告. 天気. 2021. 68. 13-15
  • 中井専人, 橋本明弘, 山口悟, 本吉弘岐. 降雪・積雪系オンラインワークショップ2020 開催報告. 雪氷. 2020. 82. 280-282
Lectures and oral presentations  (114):
  • Development of the PM_2.5 measurement system for cold regions for the Cryosphere and PM_2.5 observations with the system in Alaska and Japan
    (AGU Fall meeting 2022)
  • Analysis of 3-dimensional structure of mesoscale snowfall systems by comparison of radar-disdrometer observations and GPM Level 2 products
    (Joint PI Workshop of Global Environment Observation Mission FY2022 2022)
  • (Japanese only)
  • (Japanese only)
  • (Japanese only)
Education (1):
  • Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
Professional career (1):
  • Ph. D.
Association Membership(s) (6):
米国気象学会 ,  日本雪氷学会 ,  日本気象学会 ,  Meteorological Society of Japan ,  Japanese Society of Snow and Ice ,  American Meteorological Society
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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