J-GLOBAL ID:200901015960631981
Update date: May. 16, 2010
Makiyama Yasushi
マキヤマ ヤスシ | Makiyama Yasushi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Senior Research Fellow
Research field (2):
, Sociology/history of science and technology
Research keywords (8):
, 生命科学技術
, ガバナンス
, 生命倫理
, policy
, biotechnology
, governance
, Bioethics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2002 - 2005 先端生命科学技術の社会的ガバナンスシステム構築のための調査研究
MISC (3):
Background of the Establishment of a Control System for Human Embryo in the UK and Its Actual Function - For the Construction of a Social Governance System of Life Science Technology in Japan. Science & Technology Trends. 2003. 8, 27-43
英国のヒト胚に関する管理システム成立の背景と機能の実際-わが国における生命科学技術の社会的ガバナンスシステム構築のために-. 科学技術動向. 2003. 24,9-21
Background of the Establishment of a Control System for Human Embryo in the UK and Its Actual Function - For the Construction of a Social Governance System of Life Science Technology in Japan. Science & Technology Trends. 2003. 8, 27-43
Professional career (1):
- Docter (University of Tsukuba)
Association Membership(s) (2):
, Japan Association for Bioethics
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