J-GLOBAL ID:200901016041573238
Update date: Dec. 02, 2024
Kirishima Akira
キリシマ アキラ | Kirishima Akira
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Nuclear engineering
Research keywords (5):
, Actinide Chemistry
, Solution Chemistry
, Radiochemistry
, Nuclear Waste Management
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
- 2023 - 2026 アンタッチャブルな製錬残渣からのスカンジウム抽出への挑戦
- 2023 - 2026 燃料デブリ版・逐次抽出法の開発とデブリの化学的安定性の指標化
- 2020 - 2024 燃料デブリからの核種溶出に及ぼす有機酸・炭酸影響評価
- 2019 - 2022 Research on deep groundwater components affecting actinide migration
- 2017 - 2020 Development of Cement System Barrier Generating Self-confinement Function of Nuclide in a Saturated Groundwater Flow Field
- 2016 - 2020 Basic Study on actinide leaching and waste management of MCCI debris
- 2015 - 2019 Retry for Pa Solution Chemistry Study
- 2013 - 2017 Development of nuclide confinement cement barrier undergoing a self-repair function under a condition saturated with groundwater
- 2012 - 2016 Basic Studies for Developing Rational Treatment and Disposal System of Radioactive Wastes Generated by Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Reactor Accident
- 2012 - 2015 Study on the complexation mechanism of humic substance by nano-calorimetry
- 2012 - 2015 Study on transport behavior of radiocesium from river watershed to coastal marine environment and its ecological effects
- 2009 - 2012 Development of cementitious safety barrier inducing a self-feedback function of nuclide enclosure
- 2007 - 2009 Study on the mechanism of actinide complexation by calorimetry
- 2006 - 2007 Study on the complex formation of metal ions with humic substances by two-electrodes titration technique
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Papers (128):
Akihiro Uehara, Izumi Tanaka, Hiroshi Ishihara, Daisuke Akiyama, Akira Kirishima, Shino Homma-Takeda. Monitoring method for uranium concentration and chemical form in the droplet of rat serum. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. 2024. 49. 12. 543-548
Ryutaro Tonna, Takayuki Sasaki, Yoshihiro Okamoto, Taishi Kobayashi, Daisuke Akiyama, Akira Kirishima, Nobuaki Sato. Dissolution behavior and aging of iron-uranium oxide. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2024. 589. 154862-154862
John McGrady, Yuta Kumagai, Masayuki Watanabe, Akira Kirishima, Daisuke Akiyama, Shingo Kimuro, Takamitsu Ishidera. A Raman spectroscopy study of bicarbonate effects on UO2+x. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2023. 60. 12. 1586-1594
Ryoji Kusaka, Yuta Kumagai, Masayuki Watanabe, Takayuki Sasaki, Daisuke Akiyama, Nobuaki Sato, Akira Kirishima. Raman identification and characterization of chemical components included in simulated nuclear fuel debris synthesized from uranium, stainless steel, and zirconium. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2023. 60. 5. 603-613
Daisuke Akiyama, Tomoki Mishima, Yoshihiro Okamoto, Akira Kirishima. Dry synthesis of brannerite (UTi2O6) by mechanochemical treatment. High Temperature Materials and Processes. 2023. 42. 1
MISC (31):
Hirotomo IKEUCHI, Shin-ichi KOYAMA, Masahiko OSAKA, Masahide TAKANO, Satoshi NAKAMURA, Atsushi ONOZAWA, Shinji SASAKI, Takashi ONISHI, Koji MAEDA, Akira KIRISHIMA, et al. Development of technologies for enhanced analysis accuracy of fuel debris; Summary results of the 2020 fiscal year (Subsidy program for the project of decommissioning and contaminated water management). JAEA-Technology. 2022. 2022-021
Basic Research on the Stability of Fuel Debris including Alloy Phase. 2022. 2022. 009
Yukio Tachi, Takumi Saito, Akira Kirishima. Current status of geological disposal by “all-Japan” activities (6) ; Post-closure safety assessment (2):. 2022. 64. 5. 290-295
熊谷 友多, 日下 良二, 中田 正美, 渡邉 雅之, 秋山 大輔, 桐島 陽, 佐藤 修彰, 佐々木 隆之. 燃料デブリの過酸化水素による酸化劣化に関する研究. 放射線化学. 2022. 113. 61-64
桐島陽, 佐藤修彰, 秋山大輔, 渡邉雅之, 熊谷友多, 日下良二, 佐々木隆之. 合金相を含む燃料デブリの安定性評価のための基盤研究 -令和元年度 英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業-. JAEA-Review. 2021. 2020. 032
Books (8):
東北大学出版会 2023 ISBN:9784861633904
東北大学出版会 2022 ISBN:9784861633706
東北大学出版会 2021 ISBN:9784861633560
東北大学出版会 2020 ISBN:9784861633454
内田老鶴圃 2018 ISBN:9784753655496
Lectures and oral presentations (72):
(日本原子力学会2024年春の年会 2024)
(日本原子力学会2024年春の年会 2024)
放射性廃棄物の減容化に向けたガラス固化技術の基盤研究 (126)モリブデン酸ジルコニウムを出発物質とした実験によるYP発生機構の検討(3
(日本原子力学会2024年春の年会 2024)
核燃料物質の安定貯蔵に関する研究 (2) セリウムを含むブラネライトの合成と化学的安定性評価
(日本原子力学会2024年春の年会 2024)
核燃料物質の安定貯蔵に関する研究 (1) ウラン-セリウム混合酸化物を用いたジルコノライトの合成
(日本原子力学会2024年春の年会 2024)
Education (3):
- 1999 - 2004 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering
- 1995 - 1999 Tohoku University Faculty of Engineering
- 1992 - 1995 Yokohama Suiran High School
Professional career (1):
- 博士(工学) (Tohoku University)
Work history (5):
- 2019/04 - 現在 Tohoku univ. IMRAM (Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials) Professor
- 2013/10 - 2019/03 Tohoku univ. IMRAM (Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials) Associate Professor
- 2007/04 - 2013/09 Tohoku univ. IMRAM Assistant Professor
- 2005/04 - 2007/03 Tohoku univ. IMRAM Resrach Associate
- 2004/04 - 2005/03 Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Awards (5):
- 2023/03 - JNST Most Popular Article Award Distribution of studtite and metastudtite generated on the surface of U3O8: application of Raman imaging technique to uranium compound
- 2005/09 - 日本放射化学会 日本放射化学会 奨励賞
- 2004/03 - 東北大学大学院工学研究科 平成15年度 工学研究科長賞
- 2003/09 - 9th International Conference on Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere Migration ’03 POSTER AWARD Complex formation of uranium(VI) at high temperatures and pressures
- 2002/12 - 財団法人青葉工学振興会 第7回 井上研究奨励賞 広い濃度範囲で適用できるネプツニウムの原子価検定法の開発
Association Membership(s) (2):
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