2001 - 2003 Contrastive Study of Evaluating Concepts for Communicative Behavior
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Papers (36):
Yoshinori Nishijima. Tourism for a Sustainable Future? A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Public Signs in Japan. Intercultural Communication Studies. 2024. 33. 1. 35-55
Yoshinori Nishijima. Differences in Direction Indicating Expressions between Japanese and German: An Contrastive Analysis of Newspaper Articles on Traffic Accidents. Haristiani et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2023), Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 7th ICOLLITE (2023) Publication. 2024. 514-522
NISHIJIMA Yoshinori. Stickers on the Rear of Vehicles as Linguistic Landscapes: Analysis from a Stylistic Point of View. Kanazawa University Economic Review. 2023. 43. 2. 77-96
NISHIJIMA Yoshinori. Using public signs as a tool for comparing languages. Bulletin d'études de la linguistique française. 2022. 56. 94-97
NISHIJIMA Yoshinori. A Stylistic Analysis of Stickers on Cars as Linguistic Landscapes. Studies in Stylistics. 2022. 68. 1-16
Yoshinori Nishijima, Novia Hayati. Stylistic Comparison of Newspaper Articles in Japanese, German, and Indonesian: From a Contrastive Stylistic Point of View. Under Review. 2025
NISHIJIMA Yoshinori. Brief Biography of Prof. Y. Nishijima and List of His Selected Works. Kanazawa University Economic Review. 2023. 43. 2. 155-165
NISHIJIMA Yoshinori. Der Kontrast zwischen der „subjektiven“ und der „faktischen“ Welt in Kafkas Das nächste Dorf: Eine Analyse der strukturellen Ähnlichkeiten mit Die Bäume. Studies of Language and Culture. 2023. 27. 67-83
Language and Cross-Cultural Communication in Travel and Tourism: Strategic Adaptations
Apple Academic Press 2024 ISBN:9781774915707
Kafka:A Collection of the Best Scenes (additional printing)
Hakusuisha 2024 ISBN:9784560092804
金沢大学人間社会学域経済学類 2023
A Linguistic Analysis of Fictional Conversations in Kafka's Works
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2022 ISBN:9781527586529
Sozialer Wandel in Deutschland und Japan: 30 Jahre Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenschaften
Pabst Science Publishers 2021 ISBN:9783958537415
Style analysis of Japanese, German, and Indonesian newspaper articles: Traffic Accident News as an Example
(The 21st Annual Conference of the International Association of Urban Language Studies 2024)
(カフカ没後100周年講演会(録画のリンクあり) 2024)
Differences in Direction Indicating Expressions between Japanese and German: A Contrastive Analysis of Newspaper Articles on Traffic Accidents
(The 7th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education 2023)