Hamamoto Akira. CPA Audit in Japan for the Enterprise which is not under the Going Concern Assumption: Mainly in the case of liquidating stock company. 商学集志. 2016. 86. 2. 23-37
Hamamoto Akira. “Some Problems of Revised Going Concern Auditing Standards in Japan: Mainly in assessment of entity’s ability to continue as a going concern”. 商学集志. 2014. 84. 1. 29-42
2018/04 - Professor at Nihon University College of Commerce
2007/10 - 2018/03 Associate Professor at Nihon University College of Commerce
2003/04 - 2007/09 Lecturer at Nihon University College of Commerce
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本会計教育学会
, The Japan Boki Association(Accounting Theory,Education and Practice)
, Japan Auditing Association
, The Japan Accounting Association