Research field (3):
Polymer materials
, Polymer chemistry
, Analytical chemistry
Research keywords (5):
Living radical polymerization
, Copolymerization
, Molecular characterization
, Polymer analysis
, Polymer chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
1995 - 1995 脱アセチル化キチンのアセチル基のシークエンス長と水溶性の関係
Papers (17):
Tadatomo KAWAI, Yuzo ITOH. Correlation between molecular weight and chemical composition of poly(styrene-co-acrylate) synthesized by RAFT copolymerization. BUNSEKI KAGAKU. 2022. 71. 9. 501-510
Tadatomo KAWAI, Shinya TERAMACHI, Yuzo ITOH. Creation of thin films with nano-structure by intermolecular phase-separation of copolymer brush. Nano Structure Surfaces and Interfaces Research Center report. 2008. 59