J-GLOBAL ID:200901018853465512
Update date: Jul. 06, 2016
Wakana Higashi Maya
ワカナ マヤ | Wakana Higashi Maya
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Literature - British/English-languag
Research keywords (1):
British and American literature, microsociology, social psychology, intimacies
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2007 - 2008 ヘンリー・ジェームズのCivility概念に内包する現代的ジレンマの解明: ジェーン・オースティン編 (A Microsociological Approach to English and American Literature: A Study of Jane Austen)
- 2005 - 2005 """Obsessed by James: The Case of 'The Real Thing'"" (ベニスにて開催されたヘンリー・ジェームズ国際学会、学会報告参加旅費助成)"
Papers (2):
Maya Higashi Wakana. The Wings of the Dove. Texas Studies in Literature and Language. 2005. 47:1, 31-60
Maya Higashi WAKANA. The Social World of Henry James's The Spoils of Poynton: Reciprocity, Allegiances, and Human Behavior. The International Studies Association of Ritsumeikan University: Ritsumeikan Annual Review of International Studies. 2004. 3. 141-155
Books (4):
"Value in Henry James's 'Paste' (1899): Understanding James as a Microsociologist" in *<I>ransforming Henry James</I>, eds. Donatello Izzo, Anna Despotopoulou, Anna De Biasio.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2013 ISBN:9781443846141
<I>Performing the Everyday in Henry James's Late Novels</I>
Ashgate Publishing 2009 ISBN:9780754667445
"'Obsessed' with James: Professionalism vs. Amateurism in 'The Real Thin.'" in <I>Tracing Henry James</I>, eds. Greg Zacharias and Melanie Ross.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2008 ISBN:9781847189158
"Impression Management in Henry James's 'An International Episode'" in <I>Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts 2007</I>, ed. by Daniel Meyer-Dinkgrafe
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2007 ISBN:9781847184184
Lectures and oral presentations (15):
"Things, Face, and Emotion in Henry James's <I>The Spoils of Poynton</I>."
(The Sixth International Conference for the Henry James Society. “The Real Thing: Henry James and the Material World.” 2014)
“Bodies Speaking in George Eliot’s <I>The Mill on the Floss</I> (1860).”
(45th Annual Convention of NeMLA (Northeast MLA) hosted by Susquehanna University, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 2014)
"Everyday Aestheticism in Wharton's <I>Ethan Frome</I>"
(Edith Wharton in Florence: A Sesquicentennial Conference sponsored by the Edith Wharton Society, Marist College, Florence 2012)
"A Microsociological Analysis of Henry James's 'Paste' (1899)"
("Transforming Henry James," the Fifth International Conference of the Henry James Society 2011)
"Fashioning the Self in Edith Wharton's <I>The Age of Innocence</I>"
(NEMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association) 2011)
Education (3):
- - 1986 Kwansei Gakuin University "Graduate School, Division of Letters"
- - 1982 The University of Virginia English Department, School of Arts and Sciences English and American Literature
- - 1980 Kwansei Gakuin University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (2):
- Ph.D. (Kansai University)
- Master of Arts (University of Virginia (School of Arts and Sciences, Department of English))
Work history (1):
- Ritsumeikan University College of International Relations, Department of International Relations Professor
Association Membership(s) (4):
The Edith Wharton Society
, Modern Language Association
, 日本アメリカ文学会
, Henry James Society
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