Tanaka,F, Kojima,T, Akamine,T, Kawano,J, Shimada,T. A case of hepatic infiltration of multiple myeloma-usefulness of fine needle aspiration cytology. ACTA CYTOLOGICA. 1998. 42(suppl.). 579-579
Tanaka,F, Ishii,M, Morimoto,F, Shimada,T. A case of tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma with appearance of HPV-positive koilocytotic cells in the oral smear. ACTA CYTOLOGICA. 1998. 42(suppl.). 579-579
A case of "adenoid cystic carcinoma"of the uterine cervix: cytological and histological comparison with adenoid cystic carcinoma of the salivary gland.
(The 1st Korea-Japan Joint Meeting for Cytopathology (Seoul) 2002)