J-GLOBAL ID:200901020596234037
Update date: Jan. 15, 2020
Kuroda Tadabumi
クロダ タダブミ | Kuroda Tadabumi
Research field (1):
Legal theory and history
Research keywords (2):
, Legal history
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
- 近世・近代の国制・裁判制度
- 初期議会制史
- 法学教育論
- 法律専門職論
- 専門職の法社会史
- 法文化の比較研究
- ヨーロッパ法史の諸問題
- Legal and social history of professions
- Comparative research of legal culture
- Problems of european legal history
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MISC (31):
単著. 日本近代「法律専門職」における国籍条件ー「国民国家」(Nation-State)の光と影ー. 甲南法学. 2007. 47. 4. 61-106
T.Kuroda. Citizenship(Nationality) as a requirement for "legal profession" in the modern Japan--The lighted side and the shade of "Nation-State"--. Konan Law Review. 2007. 47. 4. 61-106
単著. 法曹教育・法職就任男女同権化の比較法史ー20世紀前半の独・日・米における法制度改革を中心にー(一)、(二). 甲南法学. 2006. 46/4,47/2. pp.27-73, pp.159-222
T.Kuroda. Comparative-legal history of the equal rights for both sexes into legal education and profession.--In focusing on German, Japanese and American law reforms during the first half of the 20.century.--(1),(2). Konan Law Review. 2006. 46/4, 47/2. pp.27-73, pp.159-222
単著. 「ナティオーン」(国民、民族)概念についての覚書. 甲南大学総合研究所叢書. 2005. 32. 128-142
Books (20):
The question about "Nation" in case of Max Weber and around it.
(Ed. by T. Kuroda),Konandangaku-sogo-kenkyu-syo 2005
ミネルヴァ書房 1999
Stephen Kahlberg, Max Weber's Comparative-Historical Socilogy
(Co-translation),Minerva-shobo 1999
東京布井出版株式会社 1998
P. Heidenberger, Deutsche Parteien vor amerikanischen Gerichten. (Translated in Japanese)
(Tranlated by T.Kuroda),Tokyo-Nunoi Publishing Inc. 1998
Works (4):
2003 - 2004
The concept "nation" Max Weber's and its resemblances
2003 - 2004
1999 - 2001
Lawyers training and legal education during the 19th/20th Centuries in five countries.
1999 - 2001
Education (5):
- - 1983 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Law Basic Law
- - 1973 Kyoto University
- - 1973 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Law
- - 1968 Kyoto University Faculty of Law
- - 1968 Kyoto University Faculty of Law
Professional career (1):
- Master of jurisprudence (Kyoto University)
Work history (9):
- 1975 - 1981 Konan University
- 1975 - 1981 Konan University, Assistant Professor
- 1981 - - 甲南大学 教授
- 1981 - - Konan-University, Professor
- 1973 - 1975 Konan University
- 1973 - 1975 Konan University, Docent
- 1972 - 1973 Konan University
- 1972 - 1973 Konan University, Research Assistant
- Konan University Faculty of Law, the Department of Law Professor
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Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 法社会学会
, 比較法学会
, 比較家族史学会
, 比較法史学会
, 日本EU学会
, 法制史学会
, Japanese Association for Legal History
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