J-GLOBAL ID:200901020632226909
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Yoshio Matsuyama
Yoshio Matsuyama
Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
Differential Geometry
, Differential Geometry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2016 - On characterizations of submnanifolds in a space form by the differential equations
- 2016 - 微分方程式による空間型内の部分多様体の特徴付けについて
- 2008 - 微分幾何学
MISC (140):
S.K. Hui, Y. Matsuyama. On real hypersurfaces of a complex projecitve space with pseudo parallel second fundamental tensor. Kobe Journal of Mathematics. 2015. 53-59
S.K. Hui, Y. Matsuyama. On real hypersurfaces of a complex projective space with pseudo parallel second fundamental tensor. Kobe Journal of Mathematics. 2015. 32. 1-2. 53-59
Y.Matsuyama, A.A.Shaikh, M.H.Shahid, M.Jamali. Complete submanifolds of space forms and application of Bochner formula. J. Adv. Math. Stud. 2015. 8. 2. 197-205
Y.Matsuyama, A.A.Shaikh, M.H.Shahid, M.Jamali. Complete submanifolds of space forms and application of Bochner formula. J. Adv. Math. Stud. 2015. 197-205
P. Majhi, Y. Matsuyama, U. C. De. On a class of k-contact manifolds. Rev. Acad. Canar. Cienc. 2015. 9-20
Books (10):
学術図書 2015
Hessian Metrics & Ricci Solitons
Fair Partners Publishers 2011
Hessian Metrics & Ricci Solitons
Fair Partners Publishers 2011
学術図書出版社 2010
学術図書出版社 2007
Lectures and oral presentations (111):
(研究集会「部分多様体の幾何学とその発展」(安部直人先生--退職記念研究集会) 2017)
On complete minimal submanifolds in a sphere
(ICDGAA-16 2016)
On complete minimal submanifolds in a sphere
(ICDGAA-16 2016)
On hypersurfaces in a real space form with the Ricci tensor satisfying certain conditions
(DGDS-13 ルーマニア 2013)
Curvature pinching for complete submanifolds
(日本数学会年会 2013)
Works (5):
2009 -
2006 -
2003 -
2001 -
1993 -
Education (4):
- - 1977 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Mathematics
- - 1977 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science Department of Mathematics
- - 1970 Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics
- - 1970 Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Science Mathematics
Professional career (1):
Work history (3):
- 1988/04 - 現在 Chuo University Faculty of Science and Engineering
- 1981/04 - 1988/03 Chuo University Faculty of Science and Engineering
- 1977/04 - 1981/03 Chuo University Faculty of Science and Engineering
Association Membership(s) (1):
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