The Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in Japan : I. Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in the Osaka Group. (共著)
Cambridge University Press, The Pleistocene Boundary and the Beginning of the Quaternary 1997
創元社 1993
The Osaka Group
地球科学 1985
Identification of volcanic Ash Layers in the Osaka and Kobiwako Groups by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis
Earth Science 1985
Works (2):
Stratigraphy of the Hominid Fossil Bearing Formations in Java
1978 -
Stratigraphy of the Hominid Fossil Bearing Formations in Java
1977 -
Education (4):
- 1971 Osaka City University
- 1971 Osaka City University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science