J-GLOBAL ID:200901021288377834
Update date: Feb. 14, 2024
Idei Masahiko
イデイ マサヒコ | Idei Masahiko
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Affiliation and department:
Bunkyo University Faculty of Education, School Education Course
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research field (1):
Biodiversity and systematics
Research keywords (1):
Morphology and Taxonomy
Papers (25):
Masahiko Idei, Shinya Sato, Chikako Nagasato, Taizo Motomura, Kensuke Toyoda, Tamotsu Nagumo, David G. Mann. SPERMATOGENESIS AND AUXOSPORE STRUCTURE IN THE MULTIPOLAR CENTRIC DIATOM HYDROSERA. JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY. 2015. 51. 1. 144-158
Masahiko Idei, Keigo Osada, Shinya Sato, Takeshi Nakayama, Tamotsu Nagumo, David G. Mann. Sperm ultrastructure in the diatoms Melosira and Thalassiosira and the significance of the 9+0 configuration. PROTOPLASMA. 2013. 250. 4. 833-850
Masahiko Idei, Shinya Sato, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Tamotsu Nagumo, David G. Mann. Sexual reproduction and auxospore structure in Diploneis papula (Bacillariophyta). PHYCOLOGIA. 2013. 52. 3. 295-308
Masahiko Idei. Three new species of freshwater Diploneis from Japan. DIATOM RESEARCH. 2013. 28. 1. 1-11
Irena Kaczmarska, Aloisie Poulícková, Shinya Sato, Mark B. Edlund, Masahiko Idei, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, David G. Mann. Proposals for a terminology for diatom sexual reproduction, auxospores and resting stages. Diatom Research. 2013. 28. 3. 263-294
Books (8):
小林 弘珪藻図鑑
内田老鶴圃 2006
国立科学博物館 2000
Diatom World
National Science Museum 2000
植物の顕微鏡観察 新版顕微鏡観察シリーズ2
地人書館 1998
藻類多様性の生物学 千原光雄編著(分担執筆)
内田老鶴圃 1997
Lectures and oral presentations (26):
淡水産羽状珪藻 Pinnularia major (Kutzing) Rabenhorst の有性生殖と増大胞子の微細構造
(日本藻類学会第32回大会 2008)
強酸性温泉珪藻 Pinnularia acidojaponica の温度耐性
(日本珪藻学会第28回大会 2007)
Hydrosera triquetra G.C.Wall の微細構造と変異
(日本珪藻学会第28回大会 2007)
淡水産珪藻 Achnanthes inflata と近縁の分類群について
(日本藻類学会第31回大会 2007)
(羽状珪藻の増大胞子に見られる鱗片について 日本藻類学会第31回大会 2007)
Education (2):
- 1980 Tokyo Gakugei University Graduate School, Division of Education 理科教育
- 1978 Tokyo Gakugei University Faculty of Education 特別教科教員養成生物学専攻
Professional career (3):
Doctor of Science (University of Tsukuba)
理学博士 (筑波大学)
教育学修士 (東京学芸大学)
Work history (1):
2005/04/01 - Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Bunkyo University Professor
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 国際藻類学会(International Phycological Society)
, 国際珪藻学会(International Society for Diatom Research)
, アメリカ藻類学会(The Phycological Society of America,Inc.)
, 日本植物学会
, 日本珪藻学会
, 日本藻類学会
, 越谷市環境審議会委員
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