J-GLOBAL ID:200901022172159283
Update date: Dec. 26, 2005
Shimao Hajime
シマオ ハジメ | Shimao Hajime
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Philosophy and ethics
Research keywords (2):
, epistemology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 空間概念の発達
- The development of the notion of space
MISC (24):
結び目の学習と包絡の関連. 長岡工業高等専門学校研究紀要. 2000. 36. 1. 17-22
Learning to tie knots and the notion of surrounding. Research Reports of Nagaoka National College of Technology. 2000. 36. 1. 17-22
正逆の順序の構築. 長岡工業高等専門学校研究紀要. 1999. 35. 2. 21-30
Construction of direct and reverse order. Research Reports of Nagaoka National College of Technology. 1999. 35. 2. 21-30
順序の観念,線順の模写. 長岡工業高等専門学校研究紀要. 1998. 34. 2. 1-6
Books (2):
創文社,哲学思索と現実の世界 1994
On the construction of object concept in the child
Soubun publisher, Philosophical thinking and real World 1994
Education (2):
- - 1967 東京教育大学大学院 文学研究科 哲学
- - 1965 東京教育大学 文学部 哲学
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (1):
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