Research field (2):
Statistical science
, Ecology and environmental science
Research keywords (2):
, Ecology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
2018 - 2021 Effects of intra-specific variation on the coexistence of sessile organisms evaluated by long-term observation
2015 - 2017 Predicting spatio-/temporal-variation of parasite-mediated energy flow by revealing neural mechanisms of host manipulation by nematomorph parasites
2014 - 2016 Statistical modeling to analyze the process of tree growth and mortality due to resource competition
2012 - 2016 Simultaneous examination of foliage partitioning theory and transmissibity differentiationtheory on tree species coexistence
2010 - 2012 Statistical Modeling to predict spatial distribution of an exotic ant and to evaluate its effects on native ant community
2009 - 2011 Simultaneous estimation of demographic parameters using disturbance manipulation
2007 - 2008 Modeling 3D canopy structure of tropical rainforest, based on the analysis of crown architecture diversity
2006 - 2007 尤度に基づく生態的データのための新しい統計的解析法
2005 - 2007 Acomprehensive study on invasive aliea species and supercolonies of ants
Yoko Matsumura, Takuya Kubo. Eversion and withdrawal of an intromittent organ before sexual maturation prepares male beetles for copulation. ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE. 2017. 4. 8
Kiwako S. Araki, Takuya Kubo, Hiroshi Kudoh. Genet-specific DNA methylation probabilities detected in a spatial epigenetic analysis of a clonal plant population. PLOS ONE. 2017. 12. 5
中川 震一, 久保 拓弥. Statistical Models for Meta-analysis in Ecology and Evolution. 統計数理 = Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 2016. 64. 1. 105-121
T Kubo, T Kohyama, MD Potts, PS Ashton. Mortality rate estimation when inter-census intervals vary (vol 16, pg 753, 2000). JOURNAL OF TROPICAL ECOLOGY. 2001. 17. 162-162
S Nanami, H Kawaguchi, T Kubo. Community dynamic models of two dioecious tree species (vol 15, pg 159, 2000). ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2000. 15. 3. 361-361