J-GLOBAL ID:200901022907882502
Update date: Dec. 20, 2009
Yaoita Masashi
ヤオイタ マサシ | Yaoita Masashi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
, Biomedical engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
- 強磁場の酸素反応への影響
- 細胞への電気効果
- ミクロバイオセンサに関する研究
- Effect of strong magnetic fields to enzyme reaction
- Electrochemical effect to cells
- study of microbiosensors
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Books (1):
矢尾板 仁, 相澤 益男 ビギナーのための生物化学 生命のハードとソフト
Education (4):
- - 1988 Tokyo Institute of Technology Science of Engineering
- - 1988 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
- - 1983 University of Tsukuba
- - 1983 University of Tsukuba Third Cluster of College
Professional career (1):
Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本エム・イー学会
, 日本化学会
, 電気化学会
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