Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Screening of new lipases
Application of lipases to organic synthesis
Autoregulators of Streptomycetes, their structures, biosynthesis and mode of action
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MISC (94):
Streptomyces virginiae のAfsA類似タンパク質BarXは自己調節因子とヴァジニアマイミの生合成,及びヴァージニアマイミンM,耐性を制御する上位の制御因子である。. 2000. 36. 302
Identification of an Afs A homelogue (Bar X)from Streptomyces virginiae as a pleiotropic regulator controlling autonegulator biogynthesis,virginiangcin biogynthesis and virginiamycin. Mol.Microbio.,. 2000. 36. 302