Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
Fractional Calculusとその応用
Integral Transforms Involving Hypergeometric Functions
Fractional Calculus and its Application
MISC (127):
Unified fractional integral formulas for the multivariable ┣DBH(/)-┫DB-function. (]G0003[)(共著). Journal of Fractional Calculus. 2001. 20. 45-68
Generalized fractional calculus of the ┣DBH(/)-┫DB-function associated with the Appell function ┣DBF(/)-┫DB3(共著). Journal of Fractional Calculus. 2001. 19. 89-104
H-transforms in L<sub>v,r</sub>-spaces(共著)
Proceedings of the International Conference" Function Spaces, Differential Operators, Problems of Mathematical Education" 1998
More generalization of fractional calculus(共著)
Transform Methods & Special Functions, Varna '96, Proceedings of 2nd, International Workshop, Institute of Mathematics & Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia 1998
Application of fractional calculus to solve Abel-Volterra nonlinear and linear integral equations (共著)
Transform Methods & Special Functions, Varna '96, Proceedings of 2nd, International Workshop, Institute of Mathematics & Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia 1998
Solution of Abel-type hypergeometric integral equation(共著)
Mathematical Modelling and Complex Analysis 1997
On generalized fractional calculus operators
International Workshop on the Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics(RAAM '96), State of Kuwait 4-7 1996