J-GLOBAL ID:200901024207441923   Update date: Sep. 23, 2024

Tsukiura Takashi

ツキウラ タカシ | Tsukiura Takashi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (3): Cognitive neuroscience ,  Experimental psychology ,  Cognitive sciences
Research keywords  (9): Neuropsychology ,  Emotion ,  Social Cognition ,  Cognitive Neuroscience ,  Aging ,  fMRI ,  Face ,  Hippocampus ,  Memory
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (12):
  • 2020 - 2025 Lifelong sciences: Reconceptualization of development and aging in the super aging society
  • 2020 - 2025 記憶における加齢と社会性の相互作用の基盤となる脳内機構
  • 2019 - 2020 ヒト記憶における自己と時間の相互作用機構と作話症状の理解
  • 2018 - 2019 顔に由来する社会的価値が顔の記憶に与える影響とその神経機構の解明
  • 2017 - 2018 ヒト記憶の個性を産み出す神経基盤:社会性と加齢
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Papers (93):
  • Masuda Y, Tsukiura T. Neural mechanisms related to the processing of temporal context in episodic memory and reality monitoring underlying confabulation. 2024. 100. 6. 572-577
  • Takashi Tsukiura. Contemporary view of a human lifetime in a super-aging society: the “cognitive reserve” perspective. Higher Brain Function Research. 2024. 44. 2. 132-136
  • Katsumi A, Iwata S, Tsukiura T. Roles of the default mode network in different aspects of self-representation when remembering social autobiographical memories. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2024. 36. 6. 1021-1036
  • Mihara M, Izumika R, Tsukiura T. Remembering unexpected beauty: Contributions of the ventral striatum to the processing of reward prediction errors regarding the facial attractiveness in face memory. Neuroimage. 2023. 282. 120408
  • Sueyasu T, Yasumoto K, Tokuda H, Kaneda Y, Obata H, Rogi T, Izumo T, Kondo S, Saito J, Tsukiura T, et al. Effects of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in combination with lutein and zeaxanthin on episodic memory in healthy older adults. Nutrients. 2023. 15. 13. 2825
MISC (215):
  • 増田柚衣, 朴 白順, 植野仙経, 高橋賢人, 上田敬太, 村井俊哉, 月浦 崇. びまん性軸索損傷患者における連合推論に関する検討. 第48回日本神経心理学会学術集会,京都. 2024
  • Masuda Y, Park P, Ueno S, Takahashi K, Ueda K, Murai T, Tsukiura T. Promotion and inhibition of associative inference by semantic relationship between memory items in patients with diffuse axonal injury. International Neuropsychological Society 2024 Mid-Year Meeting, Porto, Portugal. 2024
  • Ohkubo K, Masuda Y, Mihara M, Kamo A, Teramoto W, Tsukiura T. Roles of the default mode network modulated by levels of the sense of agency during future thinking and autobiographical memory retrieval. Society for Social Neuroscience 2024 Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan. 2024
  • Kamo A, Mihara M, Tsukiura T. Roles of the social brain network and emotion network in memory for other persons with trustworthy impressions generated from social interaction. Society for Social Neuroscience 2024 Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan. 2024
  • Kurihara D, Nishioka T, Mihara M, Iwata S, Park P, Tsukiura T. Neural mechanisms underlying memories for others whose impressions of trustworthiness were updated. Society for Social Neuroscience 2024 Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan. 2024
Books (18):
  • 研究としての神経心理学,緑川晶・山口加代子・三村將(編)臨床神経心理学 : 神経・生理心理学【第2版】
    医歯薬出版株式会社,東京 2024 ISBN:9784263266786
  • 前頭連合野-情動・動機づけ機能(症候編)やる気を失う,河村 満(編) 連合野ハンドブック完全版(神経科学×神経心理学で理解する大脳機能局在)
    医学書院.東京 2021
  • 記憶の障害と評価方法,梅田 聡(編)公認心理士の基礎と実践シリーズ 第10章 神経・生理心理学
    遠見書房.東京 2021
  • 顔認知の基盤となる脳内メカニズム,河野哲也,山口真美,金沢 創,渡邊克巳,田中章浩,床呂郁哉,高橋康介(編) 顔身体学ハンドブック
    東京大学出版会.東京 2021
  • 顔と加齢,河野哲也,山口真美,金沢 創,渡邊克巳,田中章浩,床呂郁哉,高橋康介(編) 顔身体学ハンドブック
    東京大学出版会.東京 2021
Lectures and oral presentations  (73):
  • Neural mechanisms underlying face-related memories modulated by social rewards in human participants
    (The NIPS Research Meeting 2024 "New Developments in Learning and Memory Research through Diverse Approaches", Okazaki, Japan 2024)
  • 生涯学:加齢観の刷新をめざす学際的研究
    (公開講座京大知の森「人生100年の道のり-「老い」の見方を変える-」,京都 2024)
  • 「生涯学」の創出に向けて-超高齢社会における加齢観の刷新をめざす学際的研究
    (一般公開シンポジウム「超高齢社会における加齢観の刷新による社会的孤立・孤独の一次予防」, 仙台 2023)
  • 認知予備力からみる超高齢社会における新しい生涯観
    (第47回日本高次脳機能障害学会学術総会,仙台 2023)
  • 神経心理学に関連する心理学・神経科学に関する知識
    (第5回臨床神経心理士講習会,Web開催, 2023)
Education (2):
  • 1996 - 2001 Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine Department of Neuropsychology
  • 1992 - 1996 Tohoku University Faculty of Education Department of Educational Psychology
Professional career (1):
  • PhD. (Tohoku University)
Work history (6):
  • 2017 - 現在 Department of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University Professor
  • 2011 - 2017 Department of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University Associate Professor
  • 2008 - 2011 Department of Functional Brain Imaging, Institute of Development, Aging, and Cancer, Tohoku University Associate Professor
  • 2006 - 2008 Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Duke University, Visiting Scholar
  • 2001 - 2008 Neuroscience Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Researcher
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Awards (3):
  • 2011/04 - The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology The Young Scientists’ Prize
  • 2009/08 - Japanese Psychological Association International Contributions to Psychology Award for Distinguished Early and Middle Career Contributions
  • 2000/06 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping Travel Award
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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