Research field (3):
Landscape science
, Environmental agriculture
, Plant nutrition, soil science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
2005 - 2007 The study on compost of sewerage sludge mixed with organic waste and its utilization as fertilizer for re-vegetation on wasteland
2004 - 2007 Confirmation of multiple symbiotic systems of plant-Frankia-mycorrhiza with a higher stress tolerance and its application to the rehabilitation of degraded lands
1999 - 2001 Environmental stress tolerance in non-leguminous nitrogen fixing plants and symbiont Frankia
1994 - 1995 Analysis of mutual relationship between improvement of plants and experssion of carbon and nitrogen assimilatimg enzymes.
1987 - 1988 Studies on stem nodulation and regulatory mechanism of nitrogen fixation in Aeschynomene indica.
1986 - 1987 Regulatory Mechanism by Nitrogen of Gene Expression of Enzymes Involved in Photosynthesis and Nitrogen-Assimilation Pathways
Expression of carbon and nitrogen assimilating enzymes