Research field (3):
Library/information science, humanistic/social informatics
, Sociology/history of science and technology
, History - Europe/America
Research keywords (5):
, 出版文化
, 写本
, 史料論
, European Medieval History
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2019 - 2022 学習者の視点から探る世界史学習の内発的動機づけー国際的志向性の観点から
2015 - 2018 Study of the unification system between global areas in the Early Modern Europe
2009 - 2011 How was Formed the Open Communication in 16th Century Europe?
2005 - 2007 ヨーロッパ活版印刷初期における筆写工房の研究
Papers (40):
Tomoyuki OGAWA. Collection Development of the Tohoku Imperial University Library: College of Science and Faculty of Law and Letters. Journal of the Japan Association of Library and Information History. 2024. 41. 1-32
Ogawa Tomoyuki, Suzuki Michiya, Yoshihara Aki, Hata Naomi, Yoshiue Shoei, Nashida Takashi, Yasui Moyuru. Report on the Online Symposium: Why, when and where do people start thinking and leaning history? - Motivations recognized from questionnaires and interviews -. Bulletin of Morioka Junior College Iwate Prefectual University. 2024. 26. 57-66
Ogawa Tomoyuki. Plinius Secundus, Gaius, Historia Naturalis, [Venice: 1483] found in Tohoku University Library. The Annual Reports of the Tohoku University Library. 2024. 11. 1-22
Ogawa Tomoyuki. Armorial Bookplates on the Old Books in Tohoku University Library. 2023. 10. 13-31
OGAWA, Tomoyuki. A Tour in Europa by a Man active in the Meiji-era. The Annual Reports of the Tohoku University Library. 2022. 9. 1-24
Ogawa Tomoyuki. Initial Formation of the Library's Collection: Buying Books in Europe. Kiboko. 2022. 47. 2. 2-2
鈴木 道也, 安井 萠, 小川 春美, 吉原 秋, 小川 知幸, 畑 奈保美, 津田 拓郎, 田村 理恵, 出村 伸, 池野 健. 大学における世界史教育の現状と課題(3)歴史学系のオンライン授業に関するアンケート調査(2020年度・2021年度)の結果から-The Current State and Problems of World History Education at Universities in Japan(3). 岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部研究論集 = Bulletin of Morioka Junior College, Iwate Prefectural University / 岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部 編. 2022. 24. 51-58
Tomoyuki Ogawa. SMMA: A New Age of Museum. 2020. 40-41
Europe in the Magazine of Tohoku University Library: Portlait of Humanities. The Annual Reports of the Tohoku University Library. 2020. 7. 7. 101-112