J-GLOBAL ID:200901024718076786
Update date: Aug. 24, 2022
Yamada Kumiko
Yamada Kumiko
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
Literature - European
, Aesthetics and art studies
, Literature - General
Research keywords (5):
, ジョイス
, モダニズム
, 英文学
, English Literature Comparative Literature Modern Japanese Art History
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
Papers (28):
YAMADA. Kumiko. "This bolt in hand be my worder" (FW 483.15-16):Finnegans Wake and Fenollosa's Views on Chinese Characters. Language, Culture, and Communication. 2014. 6. 6. 105-116
Yamada Kumiko. Hanging Scrolls for the United States: Gifts of teh 1860 Japanese Embassy. Language, Culture, and Communication. 2012. 4. 4. 191-202
'Chicago Banpaku-to Ho-O-Den'/` World's Columbian Exposition of Chicago 1893 and Ho-O-Den'. In Journal of the College of Intercultural Communication: Language, Culture, and Communication. 2010. 44-133
Yamada Kumiko. The World's Columbian Exposition of Chicago 1893 and Ho-O-Den. Language, culture, and communication : journal of the College of Intercultural Communication. 2010. 2. 133-144
Yamada Kumiko. 『フィネガンズ・ウェイク』の父と娘-イッシー、レインボウ・ガール ズ、ルチア・ジョイス. 立教大学異文化コミュニケーション学部紀要『ことば・ 文化・コミュニケーション』. 2009. 1. 75-85
MISC (1):
Yamada Kumiko. The Picture Books from Paris. Rikkyo University journal of language and the humanities. 2008. 10. 74-58
Books (12):
ジェイムズ・ジョイスと東洋 : 『フィネガンズ・ウェイク』への道しるべ
水声社 2018 ISBN:9784801003156
'Katari-no tenkai: "Ulysses" Dai-7-souwa "Aeolus"-ron'/'
Otowa Shobo Tsurumi Shoten (Tokyo), 2009
'To Rise from the East: Invocations for Afterlife in "The Egyptian Book of the Dead" and James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake'. In S. A. Kamel, H. S. Gindi and N.S. E1-kholy (eds.).
<I>Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Comparative Literature: Egypt at the Crossroads, The Department of English, Cairo University (Cairo)</I> 2009
講談社バイリンガル・ブックス 2008
SIPRI年鑑2006 - 軍備、軍縮及び世界の安全保障
広島大学出版会 2007
Works (1):
米国 ハーバード大学 客員研究員(フルブライト)美術史
2000 - 2001
Education (4):
- 2008 - 2013 University College Dublin College of Arts and Celtic Studies School of English, Drama, and Film
- - 1988 Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1986 Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1975 Sophia University Faculty of Foreign Language
Professional career (2):
- Doctor of Philosophy (University College Dublin)
- 文学修士 (広島大学)
Work history (8):
- 2008/04/01 - 2018/03/31 RIKKYO UNIVERSITY College of Intercultural Communication Department of Intercultural Communication Professor
- 2001/04/01 - 2008/03/31 RIKKYO UNIVERSITY College of Law and Politics Professor
- 2000/09/01 - 2001/08/31 Harvard University Visiting Scholar (Fulbright)
- 1998/04/01 - 2001/03/31 RIKKYO UNIVERSITY College of Law and Politics Associate Professor (as old post name)
- 1995/04/01 - 1998/03/31 RIKKYO UNIVERSITY education research section department of English Associate Professor (as old post name)
- 1994/04/01 - 1995/03/31 RIKKYO UNIVERSITY general education section Department of English Associate Professor (as old post name)
- 1992/04/01 - 1994/03/31 RIKKYO UNIVERSITY general education section Department of English Lecturer
- Rikkyo University
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