J-GLOBAL ID:200901024831179761
Update date: Sep. 19, 2022 Tsukasaki Hiroaki
ツカサキ ヒロアキ | Tsukasaki Hiroaki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
, functional water
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (12): -
強電解酸性水が歯および歯科用金属に及ぼす影響. 日本口腔機能水学会誌. 2001. 2. 1. 49-56
強電解水による歯科用切削器材への影響と洗浄・消毒効果. 日本口腔機能水学会誌. 2001. 2. 1. 33-48
The Effect of Acid Electrolyzed Water on Tooth Surface and Dental Alloys. Journal of The Japan Society for Oral Functional Water. 2001. 2. 1. 49-56
Cleansing and Disinfection Effects of Dental Abrasives by Electrolyzed Water. Journal of The Japan Society for Oral Functional Water. 2001. 2. 1. 33-48
- 機能水の最近の研究動向. 2000. 135. 27-30
more... Professional career (1): - (BLANK) (Showa University)
Committee career (1): Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (5):
, 昭和歯学会
, 日本口腔インプラント学会
, 日本歯科医学会
, 日本補綴歯科学会
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