J-GLOBAL ID:200901025106082481
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Suzuki Fumio
スズキ フミオ | Suzuki Fumio
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 海馬神経細胞の形態学的神経可塑性とてんかん源性
- 神経可塑性と神経栄養因子
- 実験てんかん学
- Morphological plasticity of hippocampus
- Neuroplasticity and Neurotrophic factors
MISC (49):
F Suzuki, T Heinrich, A Boehrer, K Mitsuya, K Kurokawa, M Matsuda, A Depaulis. Glutamate receptor antagonists and benzodiazepine inhibit the progression of granule cell dispersion in a mouse model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. EPILEPSIA. 2005. 46. 2. 193-202
SUZUKI Fumio, TSUJI Atsushi, KATO Hiroshi, MATSUDA Masayuki. Complications related to an Interlaminar Fixation Device supplemented to Transarticular Screw Fixation of Atlantoaxial Joint. Spinal surgery : official journal of the Japanese Society of Spinal Surgery. 2004. 18. 3-4. 209-214
M ouse Flamingo1 /Celsr2 relates neuronal reorganization of the hypertrophic dentate granule cells after kainate injection. 2003. ,16-21
M ouse Flamingo1 /Celsr2 relates neuronal reorganization of the hypertrophic dentate granule cells after kainate injection. 2003. ,16-21
S Nakasu, M Ohashi, F Suzuki, M Matsuda. Late dissemination of fourth ventricle ependymoma: a case report. JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY. 2001. 55. 2. 117-120
Books (3):
脳神経外科学大系 第11巻 脊椎・脊髄疾患 末梢神経・自律神経疾患,1章 総論 疫学
中山書店 2005
Non-NMDA receptor stimulation of mouse hippocampus induces hypertrophic changes of dentate granular cell layer
The Hippocampus: Functions and Clinical Relevance 1996
Non-NMDA receptor stimulation of mouse hippocampus induces hypertrophic changes of dentate granular cell layer
The Hippocampus: Functions and Clinical Relevance 1996
Works (2):
2000 -
Role of the dentate granular cells plasticity in the generation of partial epilepsy in mouse model of hippocampal sclerosis
2000 -
Education (2):
- - 1982 Shiga University of Medical Science Undergraduate School of Medicine
- - 1982 Shiga University of Medical Science Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
- 1974 - Shiga University of Medical Science
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 神経内視鏡研究会
, 日本脳神経外科学会
, 日本脊髄外科学会
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