J-GLOBAL ID:200901025712443376
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
アサヤマ シュウイチ | ASAYAMA Shuichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Building structures and materials
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2015 - 2019 自然界の流体が作る形に基づく空間構造の耐風性と形態創生(研究期間1年延長)
- 2015 - 2018 自然界の流体が作る形に基づく空間構造の耐風性と形態創生
- 2012 - 2015 Structural morphogenesis on space structures based on theory generating landform of nature
- 2002 - 2004 System Design for Architecture, Urban and Social Systems Adapting to Human and Environment by Complexity Science
- 1991 - 1993 The Phase-Differences on the Propagation of Earthquakes and Responded Characteristics of the Long Strip-type Frame due to them
Papers (34):
Shuichi ASAYAMA, Toshifumi MAE, Iasef M. Rian, Yuki OSHIMA. Mechanical effect of arch element composition of a fractal hexagon dome and its extension. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 - Form and Force, 7 - 10 Oct. 2019. 1-6
Iasef Md Rian, Mario Sassone, Shuichi Asayama. From fractal geometry to architecture: Designing a grid-shell-like structure using the Takagi-Landsberg surface. Computer-Aided Design. 2018. 28. 40-53
Toshifumi Mae, Shuichi Asayama. Wind pressure on spatial frame generated by quicksand phenomenon. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2017,“Interfaces: architecture.engineering.science,“. 2017. 1-8
Shuichi ASAYAMA, Toshifumi Mae. Geometrical basis and mechanical characteristics of a fractal hexagon dome. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2016,"Spatial Structures in the 21st Century". 2016. Digital Proceedings-1-8
Iasef Md Rian. Computational Design of a nature-inspired architectural structure using the concepts of self-similar and random fractals. Automation in Construction. 2016. 66. 43-58
MISC (24):
Ryuichi KANAI. Effect of ripple form to the mechanical characteristics of a space structure with bracing - Structural morphogenesis based on an algorithm generating ocean wave (No.6). Summsries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting. 2014. 7-8
Syutaro SHIMIZU. A space structure with bracing based on a theory generating sand ripples and dunes Structural morphogenesis based on an algorithm generating ocean wave (No.6). Summsries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting. 2014. 5-6
Shuichi Asayama, Osamu Kiyota. A Study on Arrangement of Desks in the Office Based on an Algorithm of Complexity. proceedings of the 29th Fuzzy System Symposium. 2013. 629-632
Shohei Ayabe, Shuichi Asayama. Mechanical characteristics on a space structure with bracing based on sand ripple generated by 2Dimentional wind Structural morphogenesis based on an algorithm generating sand ripple (No.5). Summsries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting. 2013. 51-52
Kiyonori Takahashi, Shuichi Asayama. A modeling on a space structure with bracing based on sand ripple generated by 1D wind Structural morphogenesis based on an algorithm generating sand ripple (No.4). Summsries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting. 2013. 49-50
Books (4):
Architectural Form and Mechanical Kansei
Architectural Institute of Japan 2014 ISBN:9784818906204
アルゴリズミック・デザイン 建築・都市の新しい設計手法
鹿島出版会 2009
Lectures and oral presentations (3):
((社)日本建築学会 2019)
A study on mophogenesis and mechanical characteristics of a space frame based on configuration by contraction mapping
A study on Wind Pressure Distribution of Spatial Structure Based on a Theory Generating Ocean Wave No.2 Wind Pressure Distribution of the axisymmetry structure with bracing
Works (1):
Education (1):
- 1976 - 1978 Graduate School of Tokyo Institute of Technology
Professional career (1):
- Dr. Engineering (Graduate School of Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Committee career (15):
- 2017/04/01 - 2019/03/31 情報システム技術委員会 委員
- 2017/04 - 2019/03 情報システム技術委員会本委員会 委員
- 2015/04 - 2019/03 サステナブル情報デザイン小委員会 小委員会委員
- 2015/04 - 2019/03 知的情報処理技術応用小委員会 小委員会委員
- 2014/04 - 2016/03 日本建築学会 構造委員会不整形構造物のモデルリング検討小委員会
- 2014/04 - 2016/03 日本建築学会 情報システム技術委員会アルゴリズミックデザイン応用小委員会
- 2011/04 - 2013/03 日本建築学会 情報システム技術委員会アルゴリズミック・デザイン小委員会委員
- 2009/04 - 2011/03 日本建築学会 情報システム利用技術委員会複雑系科学とアルゴリズミック・デザイン小委員会委員
- 2005/04 - 2009/03 日本建築学会 情報システム技術委員会複雑系科学応用小委員会主査
- 2001/04 - 2005/03 日本建築学会 情報システム技術委員会複雑系小委員会委員
- 2001/04 - 2005/03 日本建築学会 情報システム技術委員会建築協会の情報化小委員会委員
- 2001/04 - 2005/03 日本建築学会 情報システム技術委員会建築教育の情報化小委員会デジタル教育環境研究WG委員
- 2001/01 - 2003/05 日本建築学会 技術報告集委員会委員
- 2002/04 - 2003/03 日本建築学会 情報システム技術委員会複雑系小委員会複雑系科学研究・広報WG主査
- 1998/04 - 日本建築学会 建築教育連絡協議会委員
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Awards (1):
- 2017/09 - 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 貢献賞
Association Membership(s) (1):
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