Research field (2):
Information networks
, Computer systems
Research keywords (7):
, 並列入出力
, 並列処理
, Parallel File System
, PC Cluster
, Parallel-I/O
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
2013 - 2016 大規模かつ高速な並列計算を支える高スケーラブルな並列入出力に関する研究
2011 - 2015 R&D of a System Software for a Hybrid Parallel Computer with Many-Core and Multi-Core Units Towards Post-Peta-scale Era (Collaborative Researches on a Scalable Communications and I/O)
2009 - 2012 負荷分散に配慮した透過的な計算機間大規模高速並列入出力に関する研究
2006 - 2009 可搬性のあるデータ形式をサポートする大規模並列入出力システムに関する研究
2006 - 2008 Development of a Portable Parallel I/O System for Remote I/O Operations
2003 - 2006 PCクラスタにおける大規模並列入出力に関する研究
2004 - 2005 透過的なインターフェースを持った異機種計算機間入出力システムの構築
2004 - 2005 Development of Seamless Parallel I/O Interface for Heterogeneous Computing Environment
2003 - 2005 Development of Parallel-I/O Library on a Heterogeneous Computing Environment using PC Clusters
Yuichi Tsujita. A Compact Computing Environment For A Windows PC Cluster Towards Seamless Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Proceedings of International Multi-Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2010 (IMECS2010). 2010. 1
New Horizons of Parallel and Distributed Computing, (chapter 1: Flexible Message Passing Interface for a Heterogeneous Computing Environment)(分担執筆)
Springer 2005 ISBN:0387244344
New Horizons of Parallel and Distributed Computing (chapter 1: Flexible Message Passing Interface for a Heterogeneous Computing Environment)
Springer 2005
Tracing Temperature of Hard Disk Drives for Monitoring Status of PVFS2
(International Supercomputing Conference 2010 (Hamburg, Germany, May 31-June 3, 2010) 2010)
Education (4):
- 1999 University of Tsukuba
- 1999 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Engineering Applied Physics
- 1994 University of Tsukuba
- 1994 University of Tsukuba Third Cluster of College College of Engineering Sciences
Professional career (2):
Ph.D (University of Tsukuba)
Master of Engineering (University of Tsukuba)
Committee career (1):
2014 - 2014 EuroMPI/ASIA 2014 Program Committee Member, Workshop Chair
Association Membership(s) (2):
, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)