J-GLOBAL ID:200901026997235972
Update date: Aug. 24, 2021
Mizutani Kohei
ミズタニ コウヘイ | Mizutani Kohei
MISC (6):
“A study of the shadowing of Galactic cosmic rays by the sun in a quiet phase of solar acitivity with the Tibet air shower array. ”共著,2000,Astrophys. J., Vol. 541, No. 2,1051-1058,M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, Caidong et al. Astrophys. J. 2000. 541. 2. 1501-1058
“A study of the shadowing of Galactic cosmic rays by the sun in a quiet phase of solar acitivity with the Tibet air shower array. ”共著,2000,Astrophys. J., Vol. 541, No. 2,1051-1058,M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, Caidong et al. Astrophys. J. 2000. 541. 2. 1501-1058
“Observation of multi-TeV gamma rays from the Crab Nebula using the Tibet air shower array.”共著,1999,Astrophys. J., Vol. 525, No. 2,L93-L96,M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, P. Y. Cao et al. Astrophys. J. 1999. 525. 2. L93-L96
“Observation of multi-TeV gamma rays from the Crab Nebula using the Tibet air shower array.”共著,1999,Astrophys. J., Vol. 525, No. 2,L93-L96,M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, P. Y. Cao et al. Astrophys. J. 1999. 525. 2. L93-L96
“Detection of multi-TeV gamma rays from Markarian 501 during an unforeseen flaring state in 1997 with the Tibet air shower array.”共著,2000, Astrophys. J., Vol. 532, No.1, 302-307, M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, P. Y. Cao et al. Astrophys. J. 1997. 532. 1. 302-307
Education (4):
- - 1967 Nagoya University
- - 1967 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1964 Nagoya University School of Science
- - 1964 Nagoya University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Work history (4):
- 1998 - - 埼玉大学理学部教授
- 1987 - 1997 Saitama University Faculty of Science
- 1976 - 1987 Saitama University Faculty of Science
- 1967 - 1976 Saitama University
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本天文学会
, International Astronomical Union
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