J-GLOBAL ID:200901028336502896
Update date: Sep. 12, 2022
Nohara Osamu
ノハラ オサム | Nohara Osamu
Affiliation and department:
Former Institution /Organization Department of Otsrhinolaupngology
About Former Institution /Organization Department of Otsrhinolaupngology
Search "Former Institution /Organization Department of Otsrhinolaupngology"
Research field (2):
, Immunology
Research keywords (2):
Allergic rhinitis
, アレルギー性鼻炎
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
1998 - スギ花粉症に関する全国疫学調査
1998 - Epidemiologic study on Japanese cedar pollinosis
1995 - 1997 ヒノキ特異的IgE抗体測定法の比較検討
1995 - 1997 Comparison of the measurement of cypress specific IgE
1992 - 1996 スギ花粉からの抗原溶出に及ぼす鼻汁の影響
1992 - 1996 The release of major allergens from Japanese ceder pollens by nasal secretion
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MISC (22):
日帰り手術。耳鼻咽喉科領域における術前・術後の管理と看護。. JOHNS. 2001. 17. 3. 473-476
Regulation of CD8 expression in mast cells by exogenous or endogenous nitric oxide. The Journal of Immunology. 2001. 167:5935-5939
全身疾患と鼻出血。. JOHNS. 2000. 16. 10. 1619-1624
O Nohara, M Gilchrist, RE Dery, GR Stenton, NS Hirji, AD Befus. Reverse transcriptase in situ polymerase chain reaction for gene expression in rat mast cells and macrophages. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGICAL METHODS. 1999. 226. 1-2. 147-158
鼻粘膜上の花粉. Progress in Medicine. 1998. 18. 2772
Works (14):
2000 -
1999 -
1999 -
Protease activated receptors (PAR) are expressed by mast cells and PAR-agonists activate mast cell function.
1999 -
Novel CD8 molecule on macrophages and mast cells ; expression, function and signaling
1999 -
Education (2):
- 1988 Jikei University Faculty of Medicine
- 1988 Jikei University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
(BLANK) (Jikei University)
Work history (1):
1990 - 2000 Jikei University
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本鼻科学会
, 日本アレルギー学会
, 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会
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