J-GLOBAL ID:200901028446224700   Update date: Feb. 23, 2025


コンドウ アツマサ | ATSUMASA KONDO
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (2): http://atsumasakondo.jimdo.com/http://a-kondo-seminer.jimdo.com/
Research field  (2): Mathematical analysis ,  Theoretical economics
Research keywords  (5): economic theory ,  sustainability of public debt ,  optimization ,  nonlinear analysis ,  fixed point theory
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2010 - 2012 Dynamic General Equilibrium Analyses of the Sustainability of Fiscal Policy
Papers (33):
  • Atsumasa Kondo. Iterative scheme generating method beyond Ishikawa iterative method. Mathematische Annalen. 2025. 391. 2. 2007-2028
  • Atsumasa Kondo. Halpern-type strong convergence theorems using a multi-step mean-valued iterative method in Hilbert spaces. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis. 2024. 25. 11. 2703-2715
  • Atsumasa Kondo. On the iterative scheme generating methods using mean-valued sequences. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics. 2024. 40. 3. 819-840
  • Atsumasa Kondo. Three alternative proofs of the Banach contraction principle. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia (forthcoming). 2024. 16
  • Atsumasa Kondo. A generalization of the common fixed point theorem for normally 2-generalized hybrid mappings in Hilbert spaces. Filomat. 2023. 37. 26. 9051-9062
MISC (7):
  • Atsumasa Kondo. Fixed point approximation using mean-valued sequences. Proceedings of the Symposium on Real Analysis 2023. 2024. 92-97
  • 不動点理論の研究. Hikone Ronso. 2023. 437. 2023年秋号. 84-87
  • Atsumasa Kondo. Review of Fixed Point Theorems for a Certain Class of Nonlinear Mappings in Hilbert Spaces. Hikone Ronso. 2023. 435. 4-13
  • Atsumasa Kondo. Convergence Theorems to Common Fixed Points of Two Nonexpansive Mappings in Hilbert Spaces. Kyoto University RIMS Kôkyûroku. 2021. 2190. 134-142
  • Atsumasa Kondo, Wataru Takahashi. Existence and Convergence Theorems for Normally 2-Generalized Hybrid Mappings in Hilbert Spaces. Kyoto University RIMS Kôkyûroku. 2019. 2112. 126-133
Books (1):
  • Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis for Monetary Economy (in Japanese)
Lectures and oral presentations  (13):
  • On the iterative scheme generating method
    (the sixth International Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications 2024)
  • Strong convergence theorems by Martinez-Yanes--Xu projection method for mean-demiclosed mappings in Hilbert spaces
    (Symposium on Real Analysis 2023)
  • Generalized common fixed point theorems for nonlinear mappings in Hilbert spaces
    (The 14th international conference on Fixed Point Theory and its Applications, at Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania 2023)
  • Approximation of a Common Attractive Point of Noncommutative Normally 2-Generalized Hybrid Mappings in Hilbert Spaces
    (Studies on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis 2019)
  • Approximation of a Common Attractive Point of Noncommutative Normally 2-Generalized Hybrid Mappings in Hilbert Spaces
    (joint conference of “International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis (NACA)” and “International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA)” 2019)
Education (2):
  • - 2004 Keio University
  • - 1998 Keio University Faculty of Economics
Professional career (1):
  • Ph. D (Economics) (Keio University)
Work history (7):
  • 2017/08 - 現在 Shiga University Faculty of Economics professor
  • 2008/09 - 2017/07 Shiga University Faculty of Economics associate professor
  • 2014/04 - 2016/03 Cabinet Office, Government of Japan The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) Research Fellow
  • 2006/02 - 2008/08 Hiroshima University
  • 2004 - 2006 Kyoto University Researcher
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