- 2023/09 - Symposium Lecture Award, International Congress on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ICPAC), Bali, Indonesia
- 2019/08 - Symposium Lecture Award, International Congress on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ICPAC), Yangon, Myanmar
- 2019/04 - Ichimura Foundation for New Technology The Ichimura Prize for Science for Distinguished Achievement Practical Synthesis of Organofluorine Compounds by Molecular Activation Methodology
- 2018 - Most Outstanding Referees for Angewandte Chemie (Among the top 5% of reviewers for Angewandte Chemie), Wiley
- 2017 - Most Outstanding Referees for Angewandte Chemie (Among the top 5% of reviewers for Angewandte Chemie), Wiley
- 2017 - Most Outstanding Referees for Angewandte Chemie (Among the top 5% of reviewers for Angewandte Chemie), Wiley
- 2016 - ACS Publication Awards this Certificate of Recognition (12 Reviews Completed in 2015)
- 2016 - ACS Publication Awards this Certificate of Recognition (12 Reviews Completed in 2015)
- 2015 - Outstanding Reviewer Certificate by ChemPubSoc Europe, the Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES), and the publisher, Wiley-VCH
- 2015 - Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing 2015, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
- 2015 - 平成26年度特別研究員等審査会専門委員(書面担当)表彰
- 2015 - Outstanding Reviewer Certificate by ChemPubSoc Europe, the Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES), and the publisher, Wiley-VCH
- 2015 - Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing 2015, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
- 2014 - Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing 2013, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
- 2014 - Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing 2013, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
- 2013 - Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing 2013, Tetrahedron
- 2013 - Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing 2013, Tetrahedron
- 2012 - 平成24年度科学研究費助成事業審査委員表彰
- 2011 - 長瀬科学技術振興財団 平成23年度長瀬研究振興賞
- 2010 - 第二回フッ素化学研究奨励賞
- 2010 - 乙卯研究所 第2回 フッ素化学研究奨励賞
- 2002 - 日本化学会 第51回 進歩賞
- 2001 - The 13th European Symposium on uorine Chemistry Award for Poster Contribution
- 1998 - 有機合成化学協会 大塚化学研究企画賞
- 1998 - 井上科学振興財団 第14回 井上研究奨励賞
Show all
, フルオラス科学研究会
, 触媒学会
, Royal Society of Chemistry
, 日本薬学会
, American Chemical Society
, 近畿化学協会
, 日本フッ素化学会
, 有機合成化学協会
, 日本化学会
, Royal Society of Chemistry
, American Chemical Society
, 基礎有機化学会