J-GLOBAL ID:200901028734335720   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024

Tsuchiyama Yasuhiro

ツチヤマ ヤスヒロ | Tsuchiyama Yasuhiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant professor
Research keywords  (4): ヴェーダ ,  インド学 ,  儀礼 ,  王権
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2005 - 2007 A Study on the Textual Criticism of the Atharvaveda-Paippaladasamhita Book 10
  • 1985 - 2004 Textual Criticism of Vedic Manuscripts
  • ヴェーダ写本の研究, 古代インドの宗教思想・儀礼
MISC (37):
  • Buddhist Ethics and Bioethics. 2023. 191-202
  • Review of: Arlo Griffiths and Shilpa Sumant, eds., Domestic Rituals of the Atharvaveda in the Paippalāda Tradition of Orissa: Śrīdhara’s Vivāhādikarmapañjikā, vol. 1: Book One, Part One, General Prescriptions. Edited with an Introduction. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY. 2021. 144. 1. 229-231
  • TSUCHIYAMA Yasuhiro. The Virtue Ethics and "the Social Responsibility of the Scientists". Bulletin of the Faculty of Human and Social Studies: Saitama Institute of Technology. 2021. 第19号. 53-60
  • Book Review: Arlo Griffiths, The Paippalādasaṃhitā of the Atharvaveda. Kāṇḍas 6 and 7. A New Edition with Translation and Commentary. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung. 2016. Band 111. Heft 4-5. 431-433
  • 古代インドの魔女サダーヌヴァー. 宗教研究. 2015. 88. 別冊. 337-338
Books (1):
  • アタルヴァヴェーダ・パイッパラーダサンヒター第10巻の校訂研究
Works (2):
  • 神像奉納儀礼の研究
    1998 - 2000
  • Studies on the Pratishtha Ritual
    1998 - 2000
Education (2):
  • - 1981 北海道大学大学院 文学研究科 東洋哲学専攻
  • - 1976 Hokkaido University Faculty of Letters
Professional career (1):
  • Master (Hokkaido University)
Association Membership(s) (3):
インド思想史学会 ,  日本印度学仏教学会 ,  日本仏教学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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