J-GLOBAL ID:200901028953793032
Update date: Jun. 16, 2017
Fox Charles
フォックス チャールズ | Fox Charles
Affiliation and department:
Other affiliations (1):
Ritsumeikan University
The Kinugasa Research Organization, Institute of International Language and Culture Studies
Research field (1):
Literature - Japanese
Research keywords (1):
Japanese Literature
Papers (9):
Charles Fox. One Experience of Bilingual Child-Rearing in the Contemporary World. JALT Bilingualism SIG Monograph 15. May 2009. "All Grown Up: The Bilingual Adult", edited by Stacey Tarvin-Isomura, Mary Goebel Noguchi and Amanda Gillis-Furutaka. 2009. 15
イメージ、歌、歌集--『桐の花』を組み立てる (上). 立命館文学. 2006. 592. 22-27
Speaking in Images: Japan in Hollywood Films. 「立命館法学」別冊 ことばとそのひろがり(3)--山本岩夫教授退職記念論集. 2005. 265-96
世界の中の日本文学--アメリカの場合. 論究日本文学. 2005. 81
リズムとリアリズムー北原白秋の短歌の研究テーマ. 『近代短歌を学ぶ人のために』. 1998
Books (3):
サフラン 随想選ーー沈黙と思索の世界へーー
嵯峨野書院 2002
Isamu Sends His Regards (by Inoue Hisashi)
立命館文学 2002
The Future in the Past: Kitahara Hakushu and the Modern Poetic Sequence
UMI Dissertation Services 1998
Lectures and oral presentations (11):
ドキュメンタリー映画「The Navy Generation」試作品上映
(The 2nd Roundtable on Ogasawara Studies 2010)
Culture at the Japanese Imperial Margins
(The 6th International Conference on Islands and Small Island Cultures 2010)
(公開シンポジウム 帝国の周辺--南洋への入り口としての小笠原諸島 2009)
(国際シンポジウム 国際啄木学会創立20周年記念函館大会 2009)
Divergent Paths: Remarks on Contemporary Japanese Literature
(Osher Lifelong Learning Institute 2009)
Works (1):
「国際シンポジウム 海外からみた関西」、関西の“今”と“昔”をさぐる--第1回MKCR国際シンポジウム
2005 -
Education (2):
- - 1973 [USA] Williams College Faculty of Literature English and American Literature
- University of Michigan
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Philosophy (University of Michigan)
Work history (3):
- 2009/04 - 2011/03 立命館大学国際言語文化研究所・所長
- 2006/09 - 2007/03 The Australian National University
- Ritsumeikan University College of Letters, Communication Program Professor
Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
Association for Asian Studies
, 近世文学会
, Modern Language Association
, 国際啄木学会
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