J-GLOBAL ID:200901029252163324
Update date: Aug. 25, 2022
Iei Michiko
Iei Michiko
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Literature - Japanese
Research keywords (3):
, 文学
, 日本語
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
- Narratives in Waka and Sanbun
- A study of Waka-bungaku
- A study of kana-sanbun in Heian era.
- 日本文学研究史
- 平安時代の和歌と仮名散文との関わりの研究
- 和歌文学の研究
- 平安時代仮名散文の研究
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Papers (29):
岩手大学図書館旧宮崎文庫所蔵『十和田山本地由来記』の翻刻(二). 2017. 101. 173-186
岩手大学図書館旧宮崎文庫所蔵『十和田山本地由来記』の翻刻(一). 2017. 101. 55-71
『私立図書館宮崎文庫仮図書目録』の翻刻(一). 2016. 98. I-40
TAKAHASHI Kazutaka, IEI Michiko. To Archive the MIYAZAKI COLLECTION. Artes Liberales. 2015. 96. 96. 1-18
IEI Michiko. A power source of the "Ginga Tetsudo". Artes Liberales. 2014. 93. 15-31
MISC (19):
A study of waka expression "Mi wo kafu". Artes Liberales. 2001. 68
歌語「身をかふ」の表現. アルテス リベラレス. 2001. 68
"IN", the ideal residence. 1999
理想の邸宅としての「院」-「六条院」再考のために-. 言語と文化の諸相. 1999
The Hukiage Palace of Utuho Monogatari. Man・Culture・Society. 1997
Education (4):
- - 1981 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, Division of Humanities
- - 1981 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Humanities
- - 1979 Niigata University Faculty of Law and Literature
- - 1979 Niigata University
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Association Membership(s) (2):
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