J-GLOBAL ID:200901029614786660
Update date: Nov. 17, 2010
Tanaka Sumio
タナカ スミオ | Tanaka Sumio
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research keywords (5):
, 少年非行
, 精神発達
, Juvenile delinguency.Educational Guidance and Counseling
, Mental development
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2004 - 2006 児童生徒の対人攻撃行動における認知・自我構造の把握と対人適応促進技法の開発
- 2004 - 2006 Understanding of cognition ・ego structure in aggressive children and development of educational tochnigue in promoting personal relations.
- 2000 - 非行少年における自我構造の研究
- 2000 - Study of Ego-structurein Juvenile delinquency
MISC (1):
非行少年の自我構造に関する研究III~VI. 犯罪心理学研究(第40巻 特別号)日本犯罪心理学会. 2003. 40. 特別号. 42-49
Professional career (1):
- Master (Education) (Chiba University)
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