2012 - 2014 Not only angiogenesis but also inflammation participate in the pathophysiology of brain radiation necrosis
2011 - 2013 子宮がん患者の放射線治療衣の開発
2010 - 2013 Efficacy of donepezil HCl to higher brain dysfunction after radiation therapy
2011 - 2013 Development of intra-abdominal space modulated radiotherapy
2011 - 2012 The development of the clothing for improving the quality of life for uterine cancer patients
2010 - 2012 Efficacy of donepezil HCl to higher brain dysfunction after radiation therapy
2009 - 2012 Clinical trials for the establishment of standard radiation therapy methods and the selection of radiosensitive tumors in early cancer patients
2009 - 2011 Chemoradiotherapy targeting autophagy mechanism against pancreas cancer.
2009 - 2011 Study on enhancement of human cancer cell radiosensitivity by conjugated eicosapentaenoic acid
2011 - オートファジーを標的とした膵癌に対する集学的な新規放射線化学療法の開発
2010 - 2010 Development of the garment wearing during receiving radiation treatment for the patients with breast or uterine cancer
2008 - 2010 Basic Comparison of Biological Effects between Protons and Carbon-Ions
2008 - 2010 Development of the garment wearing during receiving radiation treatment for the patients with breast or uterine cancer
2010 - 陽子線・炭素線の生物学的効果に関する基礎的比較・検討
2007 - 2008 Redox-moduIated functional foods for protection of radiation-induced gastrointestineal damage
2006 - 2008 Clinical trials for the establishment of standard radiation therapy methods for early cancers
2008 - 自殺における細胞内情報伝達の変化に関する分子遺伝学的研究
2008 - レドックスを利用した消化管に対する機能性放射線防護食品の開発
2005 - 2006 Research of significance of AKT for the radioresistant mechanisms in normal and malignant tissue
2005 - 2006 Research for serum markers of radiosensitivity from cancer patients
2005 - 2006 放射線感受性・分子標的としてのp53蛋白のミトコンドリアゲノム制御機能
2006 - 臨床検体プロテオーム解析による癌患者の放射線感受性マーカー探索
2006 - 良性・悪性組織におけるAKTを介した放射線抵抗性のメカニズムの解析
2006 - 放射線感受性・分子標的としてのp53蛋白のミトコンドリアゲノム制御機能
2003 - 2004 Research of Proton and Carbon ion bean irradiation and its diagnostic methods
2003 - 2004 Research of increase radiosensitivity targeting DNA repair mechanism in treatment-resistant cells
2002 - 2003 拡散強調MRI及びMRSによる遺伝子治療の生体内効果伴定法の開発
2001 - 2002 Estimation of Biologic and Molecular Aspects of Heavy Charged Particle Therapy for Cancer Cells
2000 - 2002 Efficacy of Combination Therapy of Ionizing Radiation and Gene Therapy in Prostate Cancer in vitro
1999 - 2001 Basic research for the development of electroporation-electrode-mounted balloon catheter
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Papers (384):
Yasuyuki Shimizu, Shunta Hirano, Mohammed Salah, Namiko Hoshi, Yoko Yamashita, Takeshi Fukumoto, Naritoshi Mukumoto, Ai Nakaoka, Takeaki Ishihara, Daisuke Miyawaki, et al. Black Soybean Seed Coat Extract Suppresses Gut Tumorigenesis by Augmenting the Production of Gut Microbiota-Derived Short-Chain Fatty Acids. Cancers. 2024. 16. 22. 3846-3846
Peter J K Tokuda, Yusuke Demizu, Tianyuan Wang, Nobuyoshi Fukumitsu, Takeshi Suzuki, Sho Kurihara, Eiso Hiyama, Shuhei Karakawa, Yoshiyuki Kosaka, Ryohei Sasaki, et al. First report of retroperitoneal rhabdomyosarcoma treated with space-making particle therapy for preservation of renal function. International cancer conference journal. 2024. 13. 4. 476-480
Akihiro Fujisawa, Shohei Komatsu, Satoshi Omiya, Ryosuke Fujinaka, Nobuaki Yamasaki, Hiroaki Yanagimoto, Masahiro Kido, Hirochika Toyama, Ryohei Sasaki, Takumi Fukumoto. Evaluation of Interaction With Bio-absorbable Polyglycolic Acid Spacer and Anti-adhesive Agents Using a Rat Experimental Model. Anticancer research. 2024. 44. 8. 3349-3353
Toshiyuki Takemori, Hitomi Hara, Teruya Kawamoto, Naomasa Fukase, Ryoko Sawada, Shuichi Fujiwara, Ikuo Fujita, Takuya Fujimoto, Masayuki Morishita, Shunsuke Yahiro, et al. Comparison of clinical outcome between surgical treatment and particle beam therapy for pelvic bone sarcomas: A retrospective multicenter study in Japan. Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association. 2024
Mitsuko Yui, Yoshihisa Matsuno, Tatsuya Furukawa, Masanori Teshima, Hirotaka Shinomiya, Naomi Kiyota, Tadashi Nomura, Daisuke Miyawaki, Ryohei Sasaki, Ken-Ichi Nibu. Oncological Outcomes of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy and Surgical Treatment for Patients With T3 Hypopharyngeal Cancer: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis. Cureus. 2024. 16. 6. e62553
2024/10 - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Awards for Science and Technology, Development Category
2023/10 - Kobe university president award
2022/10 - Kobe University President award
2021/10 - Kobe University President award
2020/10 - Kobe University President award
2019/10 - Kobe University President award
2018/10 - Kobe University President award
2014/04 - 日本医学放射線学会 日本医学放射線学会 CyPos賞 Platinum Medal Space making radiotherapy: Safety and efficacy of absorbable Spacer in Particle Therapy
2012/07 - Takahashi memorial Symposium & The 6th Japan-US Cancer Therapy Excellent Poster Presentation Award The 6th Takahashi memorial Symposium & The 6th Japan-US Cancer Therapy International Joint Symposium,
2012/04 - 日本医学放射線学会 優秀論文賞 Multi-institutional Analysis of Solitary Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of the Head and Neck Treated With Curative Radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 Feb 1;82(2):626-34
2001/10 - American Scociety of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology Resident Awards of American Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology Basic Science
1998/11 - 日本放射線腫瘍学会 日本放射線腫瘍学会会長賞 研究発表
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Association Membership(s) (6):
, Japanese breast cancer society
, 日本ミトコンドリア学会
, Amecian Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology
, 日本放射線腫瘍学会
, 日本医学放射線学会