J-GLOBAL ID:200901030356712450
Update date: Aug. 09, 2024
Zasu Yoshinobu
ザス ヨシノブ | Zasu Yoshinobu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Economic policy
Research keywords (3):
Law and Economics
, Law and Economics;;
, Law and Economics;
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 2023 - 2028 理論研究と実証分析の融合による法経連携法政策学研究
- 2019 - 2023 起業と再チャレンジを促す効率的法制度:担保制度、個人保証、差押禁止財産
- 2015 - 2019 Economic analysis of the effects of different collateral registrations on entrepreneurship
- 2014 - 2017 An Evolutionary Game Approach to the Legal Choice between Property Rules and Liability Rules
- 2012 - 2016 Econo-Legal Studies on the Effectiveness of Various Forms of Economic and Social Regulation of Markets
- 2010 - 2012 Incentive Design In Lawyer Social Role over Legal Access
- 2008 - 2009 Economic Analysis of International Conventions : Theoretical and Empirical Studies
- 2004 - 2005 不均衡経済における政策評価のための費用便益分析の研究
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Papers (9):
座主祥伸. チケット不正転売禁止法の経済分析. 法と経済学の基礎と展開ー民事法を中心にー・勁草書房. 2020
座主祥伸. 個人保証と担保. 法学研究所研究叢書第62冊 「担保法制と資金調達II」. 2020
座主 祥伸. 内部担保制度の重要性:外部担保との比較. 法学研究所研究叢書第57冊 「担保法制と資金調達」第4章. 2018
座主 祥伸, 佐藤 育己. 将来財産の担保化と研究開発. 法学研究所研究叢書第57冊 「担保法制と資金調達」第3章. 2018
Yoshinobu Zasu, Ikumi Sato. Providing credibility around the world: effective devices of the Cape Town Convention. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND ECONOMICS. 2012. 33. 3. 577-601
Education (3):
- - 2006 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- 2006 - Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 2000 Shizuoka University Faculty of Humanities Department of Economics
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
Asian Law and Economics Association
, 日本経済学会
, 日本法と経済学会
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