J-GLOBAL ID:200901031251890677
Update date: Sep. 15, 2022
Horiguchi Masanobu
ホリグチ マサノブ | Horiguchi Masanobu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (5):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
, Sociology of education
, Foreign language education
, English linguistics
, Linguistics
Research keywords (7):
, PISA型読解力
, カリキュラム構成・開発
, 英語教育
, 英語音声学・音韻論
, Linguistics/Phonetics and Phonology
, English/British and American Literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (19):
Masanobu Horiguchi. Teachers must Work to Abolish Fallacies about Learning English:It is a Wrong Idea to Assume that you cannot Produce Good English by Always Depending on Grammar. Technical bulletin of Tokushima Bunri University. 2011. 81. 81. 31-43
Masanobu Horiguchi. How do Japanese College Students Perceive "School"? :An Analysis of Various Japanese TV Dramas Depicting School Life such as GTO(Great Teacher Mr. Onizuka) or Gokusen(Lady Yakuza Teacher) Based on the 10-Score Scale which Evaluates Businessmen's Basic 12 Skills. Technical bulletin of Tokushima Bunri University. 2011. 81. 81. 21-30
Hidematsu Miura, Masanobu Horiguchi, Kazuki Ishizaki, Katsunori Fujioka. An analysis of the English Proficiency Test Results: A comparison of the 2007 and 2008 subjects. Technical bulletin of Tokushima Bunri University. 2009. 78. 78号. 159-172
「ジョン万次郎の英語発音を推測する:土佐方言の混じった英語だったのだろうか?」. 『徳島文理大学研究紀要』. 2009. 78号. 69-81
「いわゆるフィンランド・メソッドの本質について:日本の教育者が見誤ってはいけない部分」. 『徳島文理大学研究紀要』. 2009. 78号. 83-93
MISC (13):
On the English Phoneme "t" : From the Viewpoint of Japanese Speakers. Research Bulletin of Tokushima Bunri University. 2000. 59. 83-96
About Problematic Examinations on English Pronunciation in Written Tests : The Underlying Elements Causing such Problems. Research Bulletin of Tokushima Bunri University. 1999. 57. 27-42
The Interfering Nature of Japanese Katakana-style Loanwords from English when Listening to Spoken English, and such Helpful Katakana-style Loanwords as-haNdzщre/, /tsщreJN/, /sщtщRwщdesщ/, and/KoNs RmaR. Journal of Science and Humanities of SHIN-AI Women's Jr. College. 1998. 38. 35-43
HORIGUCHI M. An Example of Introducing the English Phonetics : By Citing Japanese Loanwords from English. Journal of Science and Humanities of SHIN-AI Women's Jr. College. 1997. 37. 39-47
Loanword-formation from English to Japanese and Speech-organ Charts. DLS. 1996. 5. 35-47
Books (11):
英宝社 2012 ISBN:9784269130081
ふくろう出版 2010 ISBN:9784861864322
『交流は国境をこえて:文化と文学、そしてことば』 ふくろう出版 2010 ISBN:9784861864322
『コンテクストで学ぶ英単語とリーディング (Word Watch: Reading for a Bigger, Better Vovabulary)』
南雲堂 2007 ISBN:9784523175599
『英語の語彙とリズム練習 (Word Wise: Building Your Vocabulary Through Rhythm Practice)』
南雲堂 2006 ISBN:452317511X
Lectures and oral presentations (8):
(日本ビジネス実務学会第29回中国・四国ブロック研究会 2012)
(日本ビジネス実務学会第31回全国大会 2012)
(同志社ことばの会2011年年次大会 2012)
(日本ビジネス実務学会代28回中国・四国ブロック研究会 2011)
(日本ビジネス実務学会第30回記念全国大会 2011)
Works (3):
「『英文法通りでは生きた英語にならない』はもう古い:ALCNetAcademy2『英文法コース』による基礎力増強の取組み」(『ALC NetAcademy 通信』第76号・執筆依頼)
2010 -
2010 -
2009 -
Education (4):
- - 1992 Doshisha University
- - 1992 Doshisha University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1990 Doshisha University Faculty of Letters Department of English
- - 1990 Doshisha University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1):
Committee career (3):
- 2012 - 日本ビジネス実務学会 第31回全国大会実行委員
- 2007 - 日本比較文化学会 第29回全国大会・大会実行委員長
- 1994 - 日本音声学会 運営委員
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本音声学会
, 日本比較文化学会
, 同志社大学言語学会
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