Research field (1):
Plants: molecular biology and physiology
Research keywords (1):
Water transport, Aquaporin (PIP1, PIP2, TIP1, TIP2), light regulation of plant development, NMR imaging (MRI)
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
2023 - 2027 Establishment of a new evaluation method for urban tree function based on the relationship between carbon stable isotope ratios and aquaporins
2019 - 2023 都市樹木における環境適正診断法の確立:アクアポリンによる気孔応答評価の導入
2017 - 2020 Analysis of the water and hydrogen peroxide permeability of AtTIP2;2 in Arabidopsis thaliana
2015 - 2019 環境や時計によるシロイヌナズナの水輸送調節機構の研究
2012 - 2014 シロイヌナズナの根の水輸送調節の分子メカニズムを探る:MRIを用いた挑戦
2012 - 2013 Floral morphogenesis and miR166
2011 - 2012 植物における根の形態形成・機能の光による調節メカニズムの研究
2008 - 2009 シロイヌナズナのアクアポリンTIP2;2の遠赤色光による発現制御機構の解析
2007 - 2008 Light promotion of root hair development
2006 - 2007 Far-red light regulation of root FPL gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana
Yumi Uenishi, Yukari Nakabayashi, Ayako Tsuchihira, Mari Takusagawa, Kayo Hashimoto, Masayoshi Maeshima, Kumi Sato-Nara. Accumulation of TIP2;2 aquaporin during dark adaptation is partially phyA dependent in roots of Arabidopsis seedlings. Plants. 2014. 3. 1. 177-195
本廣夕佳, 土井李里夏, 松本朋子, 菊地淳, 桑形恒男, 半場祐子, 奈良久美. Effects of a mutation in the Tonoplast Intrinsic Protein 2;2 (TIP2;2) gene on metabolites in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. 日本植物生理学会年会(Web). 2023. 64th