J-GLOBAL ID:200901031921787830   Update date: Jul. 16, 2024

Aonuma Hitoshi

アオヌマ ヒトシ | Aonuma Hitoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): https://www.research.kobe-u.ac.jp/fsci-aon/index.html
Research field  (4): Animals: biochemistry, physiology, behavioral science ,  Neuroscience - general ,  Perceptual information processing ,  Control and systems engineering
Research keywords  (22): escape behavior ,  aggressive behavior ,  Ultra fast movement ,  機械感覚細胞 ,  cGMP ,  感覚情報 ,  一酸化窒素 ,  情報機械 ,  エネルギー増幅機構 ,  機械感覚器 ,  動的モデリング技術 ,  X線マイクロイメージング ,  脳・神経系 ,  感覚器 ,  進化 ,  神経生理学 ,  神経行動学 ,  神経修飾物 ,  適応行動 ,  自律分散システム ,  昆虫 ,  社会行動
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (27):
  • 2023 - 2027 Environment Adaptation Mechanisms Decoded from Control of Insect-Peripersonal Space (i-PPS) Through Sensory, Motor, and Brain Interventions
  • 2022 - 2027 Canalization-based control: Learning from centipedes to establish strategies for self-organization of purposive behavior
  • 2022 - 2024 闘争行動への介入によるコオロギの群れのソーシャルディスタンス形成メカニズム解明
  • 2017 - 2022 Source of various behaviors of living things that understands from zombification of insects
  • 2018 - 2021 A constructive understanding of antennal fencing that causes fighting behavior through interventions in the movement
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Papers (152):
  • Elena Angulo, Benoit Guénard, Paride Balzani, Alok Bang, Filippo Frizzi, Alberto Masoni, Sílvia Abril, Andrew V. Suarez, Benjamin Hoffmann, Giovanni Benelli, et al. The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile: natural history, ecology and impact of a successful invader. Entomologia Generalis. 2024. 44. 1. 41-61
  • Hitoshi Aonuma, Giovanni Benelli. Aminergic control of aggressive behavior in social insects. Entomologia Generalis. 2023. 43. 5. 927-937
  • Ryuichi Okada, Hidetoshi Ikeno, Hitoshi Aonuma, Midori Sakura, Etsuro Ito. Honey Bee Waggle Dance as a Model of Swarm Intelligence. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics. 2023
  • Joanna Wyszkowska, Jarosław Kobak, Hitoshi Aonuma. Electromagnetic field exposure affects the calling song, phonotaxis, and level of biogenic amines in crickets. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2023. 30. 40. 93255-93268
  • Hitoshi Aonuma, Keisuke Naniwa, Yasuhiro Sugimoto, Kyohsuke Ohkawara, Katsushi Kagaya. Embodied latch mechanism of the mandible to power at ultra-high speed in the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus kuroiwae. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2023
MISC (249):
  • Hitoshi Aonuma. X-ray micro-CT imaging reveals the control mechanism underlying ultra-fast movement in insects. 2024. 56. 4. 55 (285)-59 (289)
  • Hitoshi Aonuma. X-ray micro-CT imaging reveals the control mechanism underlying ultra-fast movement in insects. 2024. 8. 3. 50 (254)-56 (260)
  • Hitoshi Aonuma. X-ray micro-volume imaging unveils the mechanism underlying extremely fast movement in insects. 2024. 8. 1. 92 (92)-98 (98)
  • Hitoshi Aonuma. X-ray micro-volume imaging reveals the mechanism underlying ultra-fast movement in insects. 2023. 55. 8. 32 (588)-36 (592)
  • Akihisa Murata, Hitoshi Aonuma. Fast adaptive jump of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. The 11th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2023). 2023. 69-70
Books (10):
  • 最先端コオロギ学 ~世界初! 新しい生物学がここにある~
    北隆館 2022 ISBN:4832610120
  • Cricket as a model organism for the 21st century; Development, Regeneration, and Behavior
    Springer 2017
  • 行動生物学辞典
    東京化学同人 2013
  • (シリーズ移動知) 第4巻 社会適応 発現機構と機能障害
    オーム社 2010 ISBN:4274502791
  • 身近な動物を使った学実験4 ミツバチ コオロギ スズメガ
    三共出版 2009
Lectures and oral presentations  (44):
  • The sequential motion of the mail cricket to win a fight
  • Fighting Strategies employed by the winner of the fight in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
  • 28th International Conference on Statistical Physics, Statphys28
    (Fold analysis of crumpled sheets using microcomputed tomography 2023)
  • Musculoskeletal systems that generate extremely fast movements in the trap-jaw ants
    (The 11th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2023) 2023)
  • Fast adaptive jump of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
    (The 11th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2023) 2023)
Education (3):
  • 1993 - 1998 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Sciences Division of Biological Sciences
  • 1991 - 1993 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Sciences Division of Zoology
  • 1987 - 1991 Hokkaido University Department of Science Division of Biology
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Science (Hokkaido University)
Work history (11):
  • 2021/09 - 現在 Kobe University Graduate School of Science Professor
  • 2021/04 - 2021/08 Kobe University
  • 2015/04 - 2021/08 Hokkaido University Research Center of Mathematics for Social Creativity, Research Institute for Electronic Science Associate Professor
  • 2006/04 - 2021/08 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Life Sciences Associate Professor
  • 2003/07 - 2021/08 Hokkaido University Research Institute for Electronic Science Associate Professor
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Awards (8):
  • 2017/06 - The 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines AMAM2017 Outstanding Demo Award Frog Cyborg Driven by Biological Muscle Actuators that Packaged Physiological Solution
  • 2013/09 - 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門 SSI Best Research Award クモヒトデのレジリアントなロコモーションに内在する自律分散制御則
  • 2013/09 - 日本数理生物学会 第23回日本数理生物学会大会 ポスター賞 腕切断実験から探るクモヒトデの腕間協調メカニズム
  • 2008 - The Zoological Society of Japan Zoological Science Award 2008 Serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the antennal sensory system of the brain in the carpenter ant, Camponotus japonicus
  • 2006/12 - 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2006優秀講演賞受賞 コオロギ群の喧嘩行動をモデルとした動的環境下における移動ロボット群の採餌作業
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Association Membership(s) (5):
日本進化学会 ,  日本動物学会 ,  日本比較生理生化学会 ,  International Society for Invertebrate Neurobiology ,  International Society of Neuroethology
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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