Kaoru Koyanagi. Issues regarding units of analysis for Oral production data of learners of Japanese as a second language: Application of the AS (Analysis of Speech) unit in English to Japanese Data. Sophia Linguistica. 2022. 70. 75-86
Kaoru Koyanagi. The interactional relationship between learning mechanisms and other factors (learning conditions/ individual differences) in second language acquisition. IMPACT (Science Impact Ltd.). 2020. 2020. 9. 29-31
Universality and individuality in second language acquisition:Learning mechanisms, individual differences, and second language pedagogy
Kuroshio Publisher 2018
A Cognitive Approach to Second Language Acquisition: Grammar Development in Japanese and the-Effect-of-Instruction Research
Kuroshio Publisher 2016 ISBN:9784874246832
Association of Teachers of Japanese
, American Association of Applied Linguisticss
, 日本第二言語習得学会
, 言語科学会
, Japanese Association of Second Language Acquisition
, The Society of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language