J-GLOBAL ID:200901032389519410
Update date: Jun. 08, 2020
Shimizu Jun
シミズ ジュン | Shimizu Jun
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Affiliation and department:
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
, Aging
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
T cell function in aged hosts
Papers (31):
Emi Nishida, Chen Chen, Akimichi Morita, Jun Shimizu. Inhibition of T cell activation through down-regulation of TCR-CD3 expression mediated by an anti-CD90 Ab. IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS. 2011. 136. 2. 163-170
Tomohisa Nishioka, Emi Nishida, Ryuji Iida, Akimichi Morita, Jun Shimizu. In vivo expansion of CD4(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells mediated by GITR molecules. IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS. 2008. 121. 2. 97-104
Emi Nishida, Tomohisa Nishioka, Ryuji Iida, Hideo Yagita, Akimichi Morita, Jun Shimizu. Antigen-independent generation of a unique CD4 T cell-subset with aging and its persistent unresponsiveness. IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS. 2008. 121. 1. 27-32
Emi Nishida, Tomohisa Nishioka, Ryuji Iida, Hideo Yagita, Akimichi Morita, Jun Shimizu. Antigen-independent generation of a unique CD4 T cell-subset with aging and its persistent unresponsiveness. IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS. 2008. 121. 1. 27-32
Mitsushi Inomata, Yukiko Shimada, Masami Hayashi, Jun Shimizu, Yoshiko Ohno-Iwashita. Impairment in a negative regulatory system for TCR signaling in CD4(+) T cells from old mice. FEBS LETTERS. 2007. 581. 16. 3039-3043
MISC (3):
西岡朋尚, 廣田圭司, 清水淳, 坂口志文. CD25+ CD4+制御制T 細胞に対するGITRL の役割と腫瘍免疫誘導. 第 34 回日本免疫学会学術集会(2004.12.1-3. 札幌). 2004
小野昌弘, 清水淳, 山口智之, ゾルタンフェヘヴァリ, 宮地良樹, 坂口志文. Foxp3 発現T 細胞の除去による広範な自己免疫病の誘導. 第34 回日本免疫学会学術集会(2004.12.1-3. 札幌). 2004
小野昌弘, 清水淳, 山口智之, ゾルタンフェヘヴァリ, 宮地良樹, 坂口志文. GITRHIGHT 細胞の除去はFoxp3+T 細胞を駆逐し致死的自己免疫性心筋炎および多臓器の自己免疫病・湿疹様病変を誘導する. 第14 回Kyoto T Cell Conference(2004.6. 4-5. 京都). 2004
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